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Say no to ESE voucher expansion

Dear Editor:

Arizona’s tax dollars must be used to fund Arizona’s needs. State Senator Borelli and Representative Cobb are supporting the payment of tax funds to schools out of state by supporting the expansion of the ESE Voucher program. The Senate’s bill is SB1224 and the House bill is HB2898. It is important for Mohave County voters to contact Representative Cobb and Senator Borelli to let them know that these bills are misguided at best.

There are multiple reasons to oppose these bills. First, Arizona’s funds for schools have increased somewhat, but are still not at pre-recession levels. It is ridiculous to support sending some of those much needed funds out of state.

Second, the initially reported purpose of SB1224 was to provide tuition to a small number of students on the Navajo reservation who currently attend a private school. However, HB2898 would expand the possibilities to children in other communities. This would, of course, expand the costs for a program that has already grown to almost $100 million.

Third, remember that Arizona voters defeated the expansion of vouchers by a two to one margin. These two bills are clearly an effort to please out of state big money groups by finding a backdoor means to expand ESA Vouchers. I know that I don’t want out of state big-money groups telling Arizonans what to do.

Please contact Senator Borelli and Representative Cobb and tell them, NO.

Mollie Casson


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