At its September 13 meeting, Kingman Route 66 Rotary Club was honored to have 5495 Rotary District Governor, David Simmer, speak to the club (shown with club president Karen Brown). Simmer noted The Rotary Foundation is among the top-rated service organizations. Charity Navigator, the largest independent evaluator of U.S. charities ranked The Rotary Foundation eighth out of 8,000 charities evaluated in 2019, while Charity Watch gave it an A-plus rating Nov. 2018 and CNBC ranked it as third in its Top 10 Charities Changing the World in 2016. According to Simmer, 785,000,000 world-wide don’t have access to clean water and water and sanitation is among Rotary’s six areas of focus. The other five areas of focus are Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution, Disease Prevention and Treatment, Maternal and Child Health, Basic Education and Literacy, and Economic and Community Development. For further information on the Rotary Foundation and to support or become a part of this outstanding service organization, log on to