Dear Editor,
On September 25, at the World Economic Forum, John Kerry stated the “1st Amendment stands as a “major block ” to their ability to control the facts.” He also stated, “Democracies can’t move fast enough to deal with the challenges we face.”
Thanks to our Founding Fathers we have the First Amendment. We apparently need it against people like John Kerry who want to control what facts they feel we (the rabble ) should be allowed to hear. Again, thanks to our Founding Fathers, people like Kerry can’t get rid of the First Amendment without calling for a Constitutional Convention where three-fourths of the states (38 of the 50) must ratify the change. Good luck getting three-fourths of the states to agree.
Again, thanks to our Founding Fathers, we also have the Second Amendment.
We may need it to preserve the First Amendment and our way of life if they should have their way and take our rights away from us.
Kerry said that “Democracies can’t move fast enough to deal with the challenges we face.” Does that mean he wants to change our Democracy (actually ours is a Republic) into a dictatorship or a socialist state(i.e. communism)?
Kerry doesn’t want us leaving carbon footprints, yet he flys everywhere on his private plane. Guess that is “Do as I tell you,” not “Do as I do.”
Watch your backs people. They are trying to sneak this in piece by piece so we won’t notice that they are taking our rights away from us little by little. Be sure to get out there and vote in November before we aren’t allowed to vote any more.
May God bless the United States of America.
Sandee Samoska