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R&B hits the ground running – First Rhythm and Brews Music Festival held at Metcalfe Park

The 928 Pin up Dolls took on their Lil’ Mis Rhythm Contest. Winners of the contest included Queen Penelope Bee (Monique McConnell), first place and Doll of Kindness Rebel Rose (Heather Bruinsma), second place Bella Taurine (Salem Lehr), third place; tie between Lyric Revèrie (Edaisha Call), and Miss Liberty Belle (Sarah lucy Grubel), and Little Miss Rhythm Daisy Deville (Ellie Martin). Photo by Noel Mabile

KINGMAN – On Friday and Saturday, June 14 and 15, the Kingman Area Chamber of Commerce hosted their first-ever Rhythm and Brews Music Festival at Metcalfe Park, located on Beale St. Local Kingman bands, communities and brewing companies gathered to provide residents with an enjoyable and involved get-together, and right on time for Father’s Day!

Chicago Bob and the Blues Squad playing on the Metcalfe Park Amphitheater. Photo by Noel Mabile

This non-profit fund raiser included about 15 food trucks parked on Beale St. throughout the event, and more than a dozen brewing companies accompanied in support of this lively festival. Live music was supported by JackFM “River Rat Radio”. Five bands appeared for live music, some of which included Renown Muzic Band, Chicago Bob and the Blues Squad, and the AZ Rough Guns as well as a special guest appearance by Jeremy from The Cellar Door. Numerous contests were held throughout the week: The hot dog eating contest, beer burp contest, the hot wing challenge and several more welcomed the entire community to join in.


Entertainment was provided throughout the week. Early Saturday afternoon, the Bahira Belly Dance Troupe performed live dancing.

The 928 Pin Up Girl’s Pageant took place on Saturday. First place went to Rebel Rose (Heather Bruinsma), second place Bella Taurine (Salem Lehr), and third place was a tie between Lyric Revèrie (Edaisha Call) and Miss Liberty Belle (Sarah Lucy Grubel). Queen of the pageant went to Penelope Bee (Monique McConnell).

Eddie Carman and Alexis Havenner dancing to Chicago Bob’s smooth blues. Photo by Noel Mabile

The Kingman Area Chamber of Commerce was more than happy to host this hopefully annual event. Becky Fawson, the CEO of the Chamber of Commerce explained exactly why they are driven to create community gatherings such as the Rhythm and Brews Music Festival: “It’s events like this that enhance our community and give us fun things to do!”

Noel Mabile