BULLHEAD CITY – A short on the line opened a breaker in a substation that caused an outage that affected 3,740 members on Sunday, Jan. 12.
Mohave Electric Cooperative (MEC) members in Fort Mohave and Mohave Valley were affected.
MEC learned of the outage at 10:36 a.m. and power was restored at 1:25 p.m.
Members wishing to received outage alerts for their residence from MEC can create a SmartHub account by visiting the MEC website mohaveelectric.com. When signed in, select “Notifications,” “Manage Notifications,” and then “Service” to set up email or text message alerts.
When members are experiencing an outage, they can see a map of the outage area by visiting www.mohaveelectric.com/outage-center.
Members who leave their homes during an outage are encouraged to call MEC at (844)632-2667 to request a callback through the automated outage system when power is restored.
Members can also log into SmartHub or call the outage number and get updates about their specific location.
MEC recommends reporting your outage 24/7 365 days a year using the MEC toll-free Outage Reporting Hotline (844) 632-2667. MEC’s automated outage reporting system integrates member information with operations and system information making outage reporting faster and easier for members while allowing MEC to speed up the response and restoration efforts. For outage reporting to work best your member account information must