Mohave Republican Forum Members and Friends,
This overdue email is sent in response to numerous contacts by email and other contacts regarding the status of the Mohave Republican Forum (“MRF”).
As you are aware, with the onset of the Covid, and with the recommendations regarding people gathering and limitations on restaurants, the MRF suspended its General Meetings beginning April, 2020 for reason of the Covid issues, and desiring to have no part of the Covid being spread. Also, due to the controversies regarding the pros vs. cons regarding masks and distancing guidelines, neither the Board Members nor others who helped with the meetings either wanted to be a mask and distancing patrol, and mask and distancing enforcers or alternatively condone no masks or no distancing. The seriousness of the effects of Covid for some who contracted it, including death, was and remains a concern to the MRF Board. In concern for the safety, health and well-being of MRF members and friends, including those who would have been invited as speakers and others who attend meetings, the MRF Board unanimously initiated and has continued to supported the suspension of MRF General Meetings. Also adding to this decision was the Golden Corral temporarily closing and when it reopened its limited seating.
As to the current status of the MRF:
- The intent is to recommence General Meetings as the Covid spread is at least minimized and workable facilities are available for evening meetings.
- MRF Members will continue to be Members without paying further dues, at least through 2021; longer if the suspension of General Meetings continues.
- Board Members and Officers will continue in their present positions, and will continue to so function at least through 2021 and until General Meetings resume which would allow for elections.
- It is hoped that MRF will re-commence General Meeting in 2021, but such will only occur when the Covid numbers and the limitations on numbers for such gathering are removed.
You will be notified when the MRF General Meeting are resumed.
Thank you for your understanding regarding these decisions.
Richard Basinger