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Local hospital district board in disarray

KINGMAN – On Friday, January 10, a second attempt was made to obtain a quorum for a meeting of Hospital District Number One of Mohave County (HDOMC). There was no meeting held due to lack of a quorum. Katie Tacheron, the newest elected board member was present along with French. As well, there was a full cadre of KRMC/KHI employees as well as members of the public.

The district board has not met since the sudden departure of board chairman, Penny Holden, and recording secretary, Catherine Furtado on October 20, 2024.  Both resignations were tendered to then-Vice Chair David French and each blamed Dr. Carol Newmyer and Dan Valentine for their resignations. Holden’s resignation was short but later in another publication she added to the reasons she resigned, blasting Newmyer and Valentine. French was reportedly on vacation and did not immediately notify board members, waiting nearly two weeks. To read the resignation letters see below.

French had ample time to call a meeting before his term as well those of Libby Mathiesen and Dr. Carol Newmyer expired at the end of November.  There was a scheduled meeting on November 12 which French cancelled although board member Dan Valentine, whose term does not expire until 2026, stated he would be in attendance by zoom and there is no indication that board member Newmyer would not have been present. Instead, French called a meeting for December 4, 2024 after his as well as Mathiesen and Newmyer’s terms expired. There was no quorum and that is when the January10 meeting was called, again with no quorum. The next attempt to obtain a quorum will be a meeting set for Friday, January 17 at 10:00 a.m.

Ironically, Mathiesen, who will not be returning to the board, was present for the December 4th meeting with French. Neither she nor French could properly call a meeting or vote since terms of all board members except Valentine had expired.  That left Valentine as the only board member with authority to call a meeting. That did not deter French, who continues to claim the title of Vice-Chair even though his term expired and officer titles do not carry over from term to term. Officers must be voted on at the first biennial meeting. New and returning members sign a notarized oath of office at that meeting.

Both Newmyer and Valentine (more so Valentine) have been regularly targeted and harassed in a malicious manner by Furtado and Holden without any intervention by French or Mathiesen. From all indications, it started at the first meeting this journalist covered on December 5, 2023; although it could have been festering for months before.

Holden, who recruited both Valentine and Newmyer, inexplicably turned on both, criticizing them for their no votes, asking too many questions, etc. In Valentine’s case his “infractions” included making sure the OML (Open Meeting Law) is strictly followed. It is not at all uncommon for public boards to have 3/2 and 4/1 votes. Newly elected board member Katie Tacheron, a close ally of Holden and a critic of Newmyer and Valentine, was recruited by her as well.

On December 5, 2023 Holden stated she had a letter that “came from our attorney that I’m going to ask Catherine to read into the minutes so that it’s recorded into the minutes.” Holden claims that the attorney advised her to handle it that way. There is also an attorney billing in the amount of $467.50 associated with that advise.  It appears that bill was paid by a check on February 8, 2024 without board approval and signed by French and Holden. See the sidebar for the full context of the letter. 

Holden contends that the attorney instructed her to read it during the call to the public. Once Furtado read: “Respectfully submitted, Penny Holden Chair, Hospital District Number One of Mohave County,” in contradiction of her previous comments, Holden stated “No, this is a letter from you (indicating Furtado), not from me or the lawyer, The meeting is adjourned.

The full meeting minutes as well as other comments from the public can be found at the district board’s website:  Hospital District Number One of Mohave County | KRMC | Kingman Regional Medical Center

Although the website is on the KRMC web page, the District Board is not a part of KRMC. The general public appears to have the perception that it is a KRMC board and that KRMC owns the hospital. The District Board owns the hospital and leases it to KRMC/KHI. Even Holden has posted on social media regarding meetings referring to them as “KRMC” District Board meetings. A former board attorney, Donald C. Zavala, Esq. advised the board to have its own separate website, to maintain its independence, and operate at arm’s length.

Becky Foster       

Resignation from Holden to Valentine

The following resignation was read into the December 5, 2024 meeting minutes by Furtado at the direction of Holden:

Dear Mr. Valentine, I am writing to address your recent behavior at board meetings, which has become increasingly disruptive and detrimental to the board’s ability to conduct its business effectively.

Your actions have caused significant delays, derailed discussions, and created a hostile environment for other board members and staff.

Through your actions, it has become apparent that you are prioritizing your personal interests ahead of community interests.

As a board member, you have a responsibility to uphold the board’s mission and values, which include conducting meetings in a respectful and orderly manner.

Your behavior has consistently violated these principles and is no longer acceptable. Specifically, I would like to address the following concerns.

Personal attacks.

Your repeated attacks on myself, the secretary, and other board members are inappropriate and unprofessional. These attacks create a toxic atmosphere and make it difficult for board members to focus on the important work of the board.

Disregard for agenda.

Your insistence on introducing topics that are not on the agenda or have not been adequately clarified is disrespectful of the board’s process and hinders the orderly flow of meetings.

Failure to provide evidence.

Your accusations against the board and individual members have been unfounded and unsupported by evidence. Your accusations against an individual and the entire board requires substantial evidence.

Making such serious allegations without proper substantiation is damaging to the board’s reputation and credibility.

Disregard for board procedures.

Your attempts to obtain board meeting minutes from hospital staff rather than through the appropriate channels demonstrates a lack of understanding of board procedures.

This issue has been addressed on multiple occasions, including at board meetings and the Bylaws Committee meeting of November 15, 2023.

As we have discussed in previous board meetings, it is paramount to maintain a clear distinction between the hospital and the hospital district board.

We are two separate entities working collaboratively for the best interests of the community. Public perception of our distinct roles is essential.

Disregard for board requirements and rules.

You emailed me on November 27, 2023, requesting items to be added to the agenda for the December 5, 2023, board meeting. I previously responded to your email seeking clarification on some of the items you proposed. In accordance with ARS 38-431.02A, agenda items must be specific and not generic. To date, you have not provided the necessary clarification regarding the items that were initially unclear. As a result, these items were not included on the December 5, 2023 agenda and were not discussed during the meeting.

If you wish to have these items considered for an upcoming meeting, please provide the required clarification beforehand.

Conflict of interest.

You have sought membership on this board for the purpose of retaliating against the hospital for a perceived injustice to you by the hospital. Your personal grudge against the hospital stemming from a previous matter as a patient has clouded your judgment and led you to prioritize your personal interests over the interests of the community. Your behavior is not only disruptive, but also a violation of your oath of office as outlined in ARS 38-231.

As a board member, you have a duty of loyalty to the board, which means acting in the best interests of the board and the community.

Your actions have consistently demonstrated a disregard for this duty.

I urge you to reconsider your approach to board meetings and to conduct yourself in a manner that is respectful, cooperative, and focused on the needs of the community.

Your responsibility to the community is to participate in board meetings in a way that prioritizes the best interests of the community, not your personal interests.

I implore you to prioritize the community interests over your own.

If you are unable to put the community first while serving on this board, I strongly urge you to carefully consider whether this is the right board for you and whether you should pursue your immediate resignation.

Respectfully submitted, Penny Holden, Chair, Hospital District Number One of Mojave County.

Resignation from Holden to French:

From: penny holden <> 

Date: 10/20/2024, 5:17 PM 

To: David French <>, Catherine Furtado <> 

October 20, 2024 

Mr. French: 

After careful consideration I have decided to resign from the Hospital District Board, please except this as my formal resignation effective immediately. 

I have found being on this board especially as the Chairman, to have been an eye-opening experience and have learned many valuable lessons. 

I wish you all the best during this transition. 



Board of Directors, 

Hospital District One, Mohave County 

Kingman, Arizona 86409 

Resignation from Furtado to French:

Subject: Resignation 

From: Catherine Furtado <> 

Date: 10/20/2024, 5:46 PM 

To: David French <> 

CC: Penny Holden <> 

Dear Mr. French: 

I am writing to inform you that I am resigning my position as secretary of the Hospital District Board of Mohave County effective immediately. I will not be attending the November 12, 2024 meeting to record minutes. All Board related information I had in my possession has been returned to the hospital and placed in the room specifically designated for the Board. Karen VanZandt in Administration has access to that room and can provide you with such. 

The following documents/information were placed in that room on Sunday, October 20, 2024: 

 Binder containing the Hospital District Board agendas, minutes and follow-up for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 

Binder containing the Hospital District Board agendas, minutes, and follow-up for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 

Binder containing the Hospital District Board agendas, minutes and follow-up for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 

Binder containing Hospital District Board Contracts 

Binder containing Hospital District Board Budget Subcommittee agendas, minutes and follow-up 

Binder containing Hospital District Bylaws Subcommittee agenda, minutes and follow-up. 

A small box containing the Hospital District Board’s checkbook 

Hospital District Board envelopes and stationary (sic)

My key to the Board’s office 

I have taken pictures of all documents that were in my possession as the Board’s secretary, so if someone claims a piece of information is missing, I will have proof to dispute any claim. My 

unsolicited advice to you is that neither Dan Valentine nor Carol Newmyer be given access or location of the Board’s room for security purposes. 

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as the Board’s secretary. I wish you and the Board well as you maneuver through this transition

. Sincerely, ‘