KINGMAN – The Kingman Area Literacy Program (KALP) is seeking volunteers to help students of all ages to improve their reading and math skills, prepare for GED and other testing, and to help English Language Learners (ELL) expand their communications skills.
Free tutor orientation/guidance is provided. When this briefing session is completed, the tutor chooses a student to help, and the tutor and student decide on the day and time that is best for them to meet. A minimum one hour per week is needed. Tutor sessions occur during open hours at the Mohave County Public Library – Kingman, or at other public facilities at the convenience of both parties. All facilities and materials for guidance and tutoring sessions are supplied at no charge to either the tutor or the student.
No previous teaching experience is required, just interest and patience. For further information, please call Chris Meisenheimer at 928-757-4616.