LAKE HAVASU CITY – Some of the most recently completed projects with Public Works were shared at last week’s city council meeting. Improvements such as the rehabilitation for wells 10 and 12 which are needed for Havasu’s water supply, the improved Site Six boat launch, and several other new developments with Public Works were shared at the meeting.
The Tentative Budget Adoption for the fiscal year for 2024 to 2025 was adopted by council members in the amount of $257,759. It was announced that the total amount cannot be changed or reduced for the final budget scheduled to take place on June 25. However, it cannot be increased.
Lake Havasu City Fire Chief Peter Pilafas shared some exciting news at the meeting. The Department of Health Services inspected the city’s ambulances which all passed their inspection testing. The fire department was awarded a Certificate of Necessity to begin ambulance transports within Lake Havasu City.
Phaedra Vernique
LHC council discusses tentative FY budget