Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000232 EndHTML:0000010801 StartFragment:0000003481 EndFragment:0000010765 SourceURL:file://localhost/Volumes/Public/%E2%80%A2%20editorial%20storage/Community/081920/krmc%20%20visitor%20guidelines.doc
KINGMAN – Kingman Regional Medical Center (KRMC) announced two updates to its visitor policies on Wednesday:
- Effective today, Thursday, August 13, the Emergency Department (ED) will allow one visitor/support person to accompany each patient within the following guidelines. Visitors to the ED must:
· Be 18 years of age or older
· Have no symptoms of illness
· Wear a mask at all times
· Stay with the patient in their room
· Consider the benefit of visiting and understand that they are accepting some risk of illness
- Effective Monday, August 17, masks with one-way filters or valves will no longer be accepted as proper face coverings.
Masks are required to prevent droplets of saliva and mucus from spreading between people. Masks with one-way valves filter air that the wearer breathes in, but they may allow for the escape of droplets when the wearer exhales.
Appropriate face coverings include:
· Cloth masks
· Cone masks (such as a dust mask or N95)
· Surgical masks
As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, KRMC monitors relevant data to inform our policies and procedures.
“We know that loved ones and family members are an important part of healthcare, and at this time we believe it is reasonably safe for our patients to have that support when they come to us for care,” said Will McConnell, KRMC CEO.
To learn more about KRMC’s response to COVID-19, visit