BULLHEAD CITY – Parents wishing to enroll their children in Kindergarten through eighth grades have until May 22 to submit open enrollment applications to the Bullhead City Elementary School District. The process requests that students be allowed to attend a school other than
the one in their attendance area.
The form may be printed at https://www.crsk12.org/UserFiles/Servers/Server_9253295/File/Registration/BCESD/open%20enrollment%20form.pdf and dropped off at the school district office, 1004 Hancock Road, during business hours Monday through Friday. Drop-off bins will be available while doors remain locked and offices closed to the public. Forms should not be taken to individual schools.
Following the deadline, all requests will be considered in accordance with BCESD’s
Governing Board policy and Arizona statute. Parents will be notified by June 1 about the status of their requests.