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Havasu MAGA team campaigning for school board

Dear Editor,

We chose to run for the school board after hearing the frustrations of local parents and staff. While the current school board has been quietly chugging along, the attitude of “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it” does not work when applied to the shaping of our children’s minds before they launch into life. We believe we can streamline the traditional school process and draw parents in, resulting in teachers being able to focus on providing a quality education. As young, professional parents with a wide range of combined experience, we are well-positioned to tackle the shortcomings of traditional public schools and build stronger connections between teachers, administrators and families.

We came together as a team after connecting through our local GOP volunteer activities. We complement each other well and believe in the importance of strong, patriotic voices on our local and state boards. We have a shared commitment to conservative fiscal policies, solid education, emphasis on health and physical activity, and prioritizing America’s future through the success of our children.

For months, we have been actively participating in local social events and engaging with parents, teachers, and students. We also have been closely following school board meetings and will continue to do so. Our grassroots campaign is built by the people, for the people, and relies heavily on the support of volunteers and donations.

Visit our website to learn more about us, get in touch, or show your support. Remember, make your voice count and vote Tinsley/Rose/Houston for LHUSD #1.

Matthew Houston

Evelyn Tinsley

David Rose

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