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Response to Pickering letter

Dear Editor, Wow! You are part of the

Thank you for reading The Standard newspaper online!


Dear Editor,

I finally know what I am, deplorable and a white nationalist. Please you socialists, explain to me what that is. I know that nationalist Taiwan is a country. Please explain to me in language I can understand what I am! I understand we have a socialist club in town that is very active. Let’s hear your side of the equation.

Now I want to tell you my side of the climate change issue. When I was growing up one of my best friends was the climatologist for the Portland, Ore., weather bureau. We had a lot of very interesting conversations and I went with him on field trips when he’d check rain gauges. He explained to me that we were in a 500-year weather cycle, about the middle of it. At that time, we were getting lots of snow in the winters where I lived in Tigard and all our surrounding areas and very cold temperatures all during the winters. He also told me we would be getting a gradual warming up period all over the world but not to worry, it was part of the weather cycle and nothing more. In other words, colder winters and warmer summers, which is exactly what is happening. Since I was and still am a hot rod enthusiast, I talked to him about the internal combustion engine and if Co2 emissions would alter the climate change. He told me some very interesting things about that subject. Before cars and trucks were even dreamed of hundreds of years ago Co2 emissions were much higher.

Shocking, isn’t it? He was an expert, he should know. Speaking of Portland, Ore., once upon a time we would cruise downtown every Saturday night. Down Sixth St., and slowly up Broadway – a kaleidoscope of color, a free car show every night. People walking up and down going to theaters and restaurants. Checking out our cars and trucks. I wonder what the old Broadway Theater looks like now. I’ll bet no one cruises there now! The City of Roses, now it’s the City of Riots, between the socialists and the remnant of right wingers. More about Portland next time.

One more thing about climate change. Do you know what the ancient Indians called the Los Angeles basin in California? The Indians called it The Valley of Smoke. The prevailing winds from the ocean somehow become inverted, holding the smoke down from all the cooking fires. It’s the same with all cars on the freeways. All the factories, all the smog. It has nothing to do with the end of civilization by internal combustion engines or coal fired furnaces or nuclear power. Wind power, solar power, yes, it helps but it will never be enough to replace fossil fuels. It is ludicrous to believe they ever will.

What is the New Green Deal really about, America? My opinion is that it really is about the end of capitalism to be replaced by a communist ideology. The State, the government will take complete control of your life, your thoughts, and your actions – every part of your existence. The New Green Deal, Medicare for all, free college education, be lazy and get paid for it. No more borders, Kumba Ya, a rosy picture painted by the socialists, communists that are running in our next election. Now the fake news agencies won’t tell you this, America, but I will. The Medicare for all being shouted from the far left, let’s talk about what it will cost. The free Medicare for all will cost every American in this country $70,000. In Alaska, $100,000. It will totally bankrupt American. Doctors will be employees of the State. There will be no health insurance companies. The State will dictate who can be seen and when. What ailments will be included and a bureaucratic mess, that will take years to unravel, if ever.

It won’t work and many could die in the attempt to make it work. Checks and balances, capitalism, free enterprise, what the left and politically correct democrats want to destroy our free America!

Mike Nelson
