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Dear Editor,

From now until the election next year you will periodically be hearing from me. Before you think I’m some nut that came out of the woodwork, a little history about me. My family came with the second wagon train to the Oregon Territory and settled Grand Round Oregon. Some of them started the largest cheese factory in Oregon – Tillamook – and others the Alpenrose Dairy. I was the first vice president of my local Junior Chamber of Commerce group. I helped plan teen recreation centers across the nation, sponsored by J.C.’s, and was the local director for some time.

I love America; I love God; I love the Constitution, the way it was written. I hate socialism. I’ll bet most of  you don’t even know what socialism is all about. Ask the people in Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Honduras, or Guatemala. They’ll tell you it’s total slavery to the state. Look up what socialism truly is in the dictionary. While you’re at it, look up what you’ll become – proletariat. That one you’ll really like.

Let’s talk about Medicare. What Bernie Sanders, your new great white hope, is not telling you is what it’s going to cost you. First, it won’t work. It’s a socialist idea – you might as well say communist!

If the socialists win they will raise federal taxes to 70% and it still won’t pay for all the free things big daddy is promising you. There is no free lunch! Free college tuition – trillions of dollars; new Green Deal – more trillions of dollars.

I just heard that all the illegal aliens will be counted in the Census. What Nancy Pelosi isn’t telling you is the real reason for the aliens to be counted; so they will automatically be made U.S. citizens. You can bet all of them will become good Democrats. In other words, millions more of the socialists. When they become U.S. citizens many socialist employers will fire Americans who were born here who have lived here all of their lives. Why should they keep us when the new Americans will work for much less!

You are about to become slaves to the state. No more checks and balances, America. No more free enterprise system – liberals and socialists hate that. Medicare for all! Free college tuition! Total forgiveness of past college debt! Free child care by the government. The new Green Deal. Our military completed gutted. Totally open borders. The complete end of the free enterprise system. No checks and balances. The end of our constitution as we know it. No fossil fuels. No nuclear power. M13 gangs running amok through America. Food riots. George Orwell’s “1984” come true. The American taxpayer a total slave to the government. Taxes at least 70% higher for you. This is a horror story that hasn’t happened yet but easily could.

What amazes me is that 44% of Americans believe in socialism. They actually believe that a bloated government will take care of them. The federal government can’t take care of the programs they’ve already got. Do you really believe with all of the so-called free programs in place and nearly $100 trillion in tax dollars in our bankrupt federal government, or should I say socialist government, they’d do any better?

I believe in checks and balances. I believe in the free enterprise system. It works and always has and always will. Do you really want government-run stores like Russia, collective farms, that’s socialism folks.

If you’re smart like I am, you’ll vote by mail in the coming election. You can bet the voting places will be battle grounds for storm troopers to make sure only those who believe in socialism vote the democratic way.

We have forgotten history and when it’s forgotten it will repeat itself.

Mike Nelson, Kingman