Dear Editor,
Help! My father has lived in Kingman about 30 years. Recently for the last three months his property has been damaged by multiple cows walking through it. Just recently, he returned home from visiting me in Las Vegas to find his property damaged and lights broken by cows walking on it.
He is on a corner in the Vista Bella area. A call to animal control only resulted in them saying the cows were free to roam regardless of the damage they do. This has happened to many neighbors and now my 78-year-old father has to work out in the freezing cold to repair his lights and gravel.
Can anyone help with this?
Laura Picton-Hildreth
Las Vegas, Nev.
Not sure about arizona state law, but here in nevada we have laws about open range grazing that put the burden on property owners/leasors to fence out the animals on grazzing range around them. The burden by law is on the property owner to prevent the cattle from comming on the property.. Even the NDOT is obligated to fence them out of being able to get on the roadways.
I believe you are able to protect your property. Hamburger anyone