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Food for thought

Food for thought, when retroactive intellectual take aways become a real take away from the community:

During the last few months in Mohave County under pandemic stay home guidelines, other than home-cooking, fast food and drive through food was all the people of Kingman could take away. Today Sunday morning June 7, 2020 the food for thought of 99% of Kingman’s population, is what can they take away from the long week of BLM protests staged at Railroad Park. The Sunday morning front page of the Kingman Miner has some fast food for thought prepared by the protest organizers being fed the people of Kingman for take away. The Organizer’s byline: “Love, support and courage,” define three days of Black Lives Matter protests, woefully misrepresents what 99% of Kingman’s population actually took away. There was anything but love or support for the protests and all that was defined was something much less “warm and fuzzy”, that being the destructive “fuzzy logic “ in the minds of the immature and misdirected tiny minority minds of the organizers.

Shea Weaver who labels herself as protest organizer says, “I didn’t think that so many people would turn out and I’d get so much support and love.” I would have to agree that Shea “didn’t think” at all about what she was doing or why. She still doesn’t understand that she jumped into the middle of a political, cultural and generational civil war that garnered minuscule support, much less love. While the protests, (thanks to the local authorities, the National Guard and the patriotic militia being present) , was thankfully physically peaceful, Shea still has not grasped that the flames of riot, frustration and angry still remain in the hearts and minds of the people of Kingman who did not ask for any take away, was far from peaceful.

Shai does not grasp in her myopically self-centered mind and ego, “I’d get so much support and love”, that the timing and the unwelcome location of the protest caused a vast destructive and polarizing fear from Kingman’s population. Do the struggling businesses who had to incur the time, the trouble or the expense of boarding up and shutting down, (right on the heels of reopening), feel love and support? Does the city’s financial spread sheet covering the cost of police time and workforce, feel love and support? The same question for the cost to the county budget itself.

The protest was ushered in by several days of terroristic threats all over social media, allegedly from BLM, threatening to leave the city and come to the suburbs to riot and loot from Kingman’s predominate white population. Countless senior citizens could not sleep while militia minded men and women locked and loaded weapons in preparation for ruthless, discriminatory lawlessness. We may never know the full extent of physical health damage from the anxiety, fear and trepidation to the general public. A Constitutional right to protest should never be used as an assault weapon of fear. While pubescent teen Shai Weaver laments the end of the three-day protest the community can breathe a sign of regret and relief for the division these protest days created, they will leave a lasting chasm between the tiny (incorrect) politically correct millennial minority and the prevailing rural and conservative population of the community. Racism and police brutality were simply the opportunists covers for the protest and were never the motivating components in the minds of the organizers. Moreover, a closer look at the organizer mindset would likely reveal an identity of victimization with people who feel uncomfortable in their own skin and feel the need to get under everyone else’s. That is the only (quote) “uncomfortable situation” that people will discuss in the protest aftermath. This protest accomplished and achieved nothing good whatsoever, nothing further to discuss or talk about and made our peaceful town of Kingman look as foolish as the liberal urban occupation of mainstream America.

Almost every story has antagonists and protagonists, but the story of these Kingman protests also has a nefariously humorous overtone. Hence we see the circus clowns rushing in with Mohave County Sheriff Schuster who would have to be the circus ringmaster impresario and high wire clown act in this story. Our incumbent sheriff who is in the midst of a campaign for re-election has catapulted himself from the Canon of P.R. Opportunity to take center stage on the high wire of Constitutionalism. Since taking office a few years ago there is nothing in his record to support his constitutional declarations. He has been all over local and state and national news, even on national TV publishing himself as a constitutional Sheriff, adding more deception and manipulation to this story. Schuster has proclaimed from this protest big tent circus he will stand for the constitutional right to protest, despite and specifically, in the instant case of this protest, with a group like BLM who is widely known and associated with the terror group Antifa. I do not think the Mohave County Sheriff should be taking sides or a virtual knee but rather take a more neutral position and focus on his job to keep peace. It was both confusing and laughable trying to determine if he was protesting or protecting. There is no confusion about his penchant to use every opportunity to advance his election campaign, honorable or otherwise.

Another clown in this act was the father of protest organizer Shai Weaver, also a MCSO deputy who took time off work, to literally take a knee and protest with his daughter. Again, a most confusing role in the circus the protest became. Was Deputy Weaver there to support defunding of his own job and the MCSO? Was he there to protest his own occupation and police brutality, or his fellow deputies? Was he there to support BLM or Antifa? The perceived conflicts and contradictions are many and disturbing when it comes into the view of the people of Kingman. If it were not for the carnage, fear, confusion and anxiety this protest has precipitated  and the bad taste it has left in the minds and the mouths of so many, I wouldn’t be suggesting that the only reason Deputy Weaver had to take a knee would have been to bend his daughter over it and spank her for her blatant disrespect of others and self-centered deep seated true motives she is too immature to recognize. He on the other hand should know better as a deputy with the MCSO.

I present my point of view as genuine home cooked food for thought, neither fast or furious but in the most authentic nature of my constitutional right to free speech and protest. I do not have to jump on any opportunity bandwagon or disingenuous cover to grieve for the city of Kingman and its people and to help us all take away some real food for thought. 

Jim Consolato

Golden Valley

0 thoughts on “Food for thought

  1. Hello Jim>> Food for Thought << My head hurts must be from those green eggs and ham you were serving..

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