Dear Editor,
I want to give a thumbs up to Cyd Irving’s rebuttal with a man that’s clearly clueless on the matter of women and the birth control pill. Many can’t take it because of adverse reactions and how difficult it is to choose to have an abortion for whatever reasons. Post Roe shows women’s reproductive care has dropped and they’re dying at a higher rate.
How asinine of Trump to say, “It’s a beautiful thing since I exed Roe v Wade.” Or tell women, “I am your protection and with me you’ll never feel alone, abandoned or scared.” How stupid does he think women are? He’s an adjudicated sex offender that’s been womanizing women for decades.
But this is no crazier than falling down a rabbit hole when there’s a tyrannical queen always shouting, “Off with their heads,” like Trump does when he threatens to imprison his political opponents and their donors and anyone else who opposes him. But there are those who turn and look the other way or say that’s not what he meant to say with every racist, sexist, fascist thing he says over and over again.
Like when he said, “the skies were blue and the sun was shining every day he was president.” As if he were some kind of weather god. Tell that to Puerto Rico when hit with a 155-mph storm. They pay U.S. taxes but, as usual, where was Donald? In his usual arrogant way throwing paper towels at survivors as it that would fix the aftermath of their disaster.
Or how he’s downplayed the COVID disaster. Empty shelves and hospitals overwhelmed and Trump suggesting we inject bleach in our veins to cure the virus.
But some have been able to get past his weirdness and all his other absurdities. Even the renowned Dr. Phil. He spoke at a Trump rally that was filled with talk of racism, xenophobia, sexism and even fascism but that didn’t deter him from being there. So much for psychologists knowing right from wrong.
That seems to be the norm these days. Talking out of both sides of the mouth giving us whiplash more than usual. Crazy is as crazy does. Like clowns in a clown car with Donald the ringmaster with Hannibal Lecter and shocking sharks and windmills and dead birds and playing Ronald McDonald to make a pointless point that about Harris that only backfired on him like it did with J.D. Vance and his “cat ladies” and “eating cats and dogs.”
There they do again falling down a rabbit hole, with another one of their crazy conspiring theories saying, “The democrats can control the weather.” They should take that weird thought up with Elon Musk. He has satellites in space while down on earth he skips and jumps across a stage in a manic behavior giving away millions to anyone who’ll vote for Trump.
It almost seems shameful when there’s so many disasters around the world even in our own backyard but nothing is beneath some, not even bribery, in how they use their money. If Donald’s “concepts and plans” other than the Project 2025 that will strip us of our rights and protections can’t win the people over, or, his weird obsession with men’s private parts. Then his hook and bait will be paying people to vote for him.
So much for ethical standards and the rules for campaigning. But then why not when Donald has been given a pass on a multitude of criminalities including stealing and concealing highly classified government documents that falls under the espionage act. Putting our country and CIA agents in jeopardy. The republicans of the past would have never tolerated Trump.