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Emmitt Ranch area residents set to evacuate due to Element Fire

KINGMAN – Two wildfires that grew together encompass almost 4,000 acres of land about 12 miles north of Kingman on the west side of Stockton Hill Road. The Bureau of Land Management reports what they’re calling the “Element Fire” was sparked by lightning on Tuesday, Aug. 6.

Fire proximity and public safety concern prompted the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office to alert some impacted property owners to be in the “Set” position, and ready to evacuate if such a directive becomes necessary.

“Firefighters have moved strategically into structure protection in the Emmitt Ranch area and fire complexity has increased,” an Inciweb post said. “The fire remains active on the northwest corner but is relatively quiet elsewhere. 

The post said crews were working to prevent fire spread into the Mount Tipton Wilderness Area.

Authorities prepared the Mohave County Fairgrounds if needed for use as a Fire Management Incident command post.

Dave Hawkins