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Downtown Streetscape Phase II to begin 

KINGMAN – The City of Kingman’s vision to revitalize downtown Kingman is one block closer to being completed! The Kingman Downtown Streetscape Project concept has been under design for a couple of years, and similar types of projects have greatly benefited other Arizona downtown areas. The City of Kingman is proud to announce Phase I construction is substantially complete, and Phase II began Monday, October 9.

The Kingman Downtown Beale Street Streetscape Project will improve walkability, aesthetics for residents, merchants, and visitors while maintaining our downtown area’s classic, historic character.  This will translate into a safe, attractive, comfortable, and complete street that connects bicyclists, pedestrians, and vehicle users to several destinations along Beale Street between First and Sixth Sts., with connections to Historic Route 66.

“We are pleased with the progression of the project. The last few items in Phase I will be completed while crews begin work on Phase II. Some of the challenges have been plan adjustments and long manufacturing times for materials, such as streetlights. We are currently two weeks ahead of schedule and on budget,” said Curtis Larson, Project Manager.

The project improvements are addressing infrastructure gaps and deficiencies by upgrading the pedestrian environment with compliant sidewalks, ramps, and driveways per Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The improvements will also include landscaping, way-finding, street furniture, and other site amenities within the existing right-of-way. All these features contribute to the project’s place-making and development of a downtown theme and identity. 

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