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Thank you for reading The Standard newspaper online!

Constitution was not written in modern English

Dear Editor,

Keep in mind our Constitution was not written in modern day American English. To understand the U.S. Constitution you will have to understand the ideatum of the time it was written in and know that common law interoperates the legal meaning of our Constitution. U.S. v. Wong Kim. Ark. 169 U.S. 649.18 S. Ct. 456. If you say there is no Common Law you are saying there is no U.S. Constitution.

Today’s American English has become a combination of slang with a great deal of communist influence. America did not win WWII. Since 1945 America has had communism’s cultural Marxism shoved down our throats.

The goal has been to take control of the people’s minds and demoralize them by attacking our Christian culture. Keep in mind that cultural Marxism is communism’s cultural breaking spirit.


You don’t fight evil with tolerance and understanding. You must destroy evil and replace it with good!

Most of the illegal aliens crossing our borders have been taught communism in their schools and are communist. I have been in Mexico in the past and spoke with young people about what they were being taught. This has given me a firsthand account of why the communist want these illegal aliens in our country and that is to destroy our Christian culture and bring in their blood thirsty murdering communist social order.

If anyone actually takes the time to read the Constitution of the United States of America you’ll find the word Citizen is used very often throughout the entire Document. However there is 1 word you will not find while reading the Constitution and that word is Illegal.

Funny how many Lawyers and Politician’s seem to think anyone within our border has Constitutional Rights. But once you read the entire Constitution the only mention of those Granted God Giving Rights under the Constitution are American Citizens. It only states that Legal American Citizens are guaranteed those rights.


America First Committee

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