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Commentary on Johnson letter

Dear Editor,                                             

I could not agree more with Mr. Michael Johnson‘s piece in last week’s Standard more. I too am thankful and have thanked the City Council and have walked the street during the Beale Street rebuild to personally thank all those amazingly hard-working construction people who worked so tirelessly to get our new downtown put together.

Not sure what business or businesses Mr. Johnson was referring to that are causing an eyesore to the community and I also agree with Mr. Johnson that people have the right to believe what they want to believe and some express those beliefs in different ways. That’s all good and we certainly are opposed to any attacks against fellow business owners in our community. We know and can say that from personal experiences.

We are proud of the love and heritage that we proudly display prominently at our shop, which generates voluminous positive comments, and brings locals, guests and visitors into the shop from all over the world, just because of the positive nature that we share to all at our shop.

We are blessed to have the amazingly loyal, local, regional, national and international clientele that we do, that we have built up over the years with our amazing product lines, amazingly low prices, exceptionally good service, and the friendliest, most fun shop personnel of any business anywhere that are leading us to one of our best year’s ever – in spite of the horrendous economy, inflation and other factors that are causing so many American businesses to suffer immensely.

We thank the locals in the Kingman community and have always thanked the community and the tourists and the visitors and the guests that come to us from all over the world for the success that we enjoy and have enjoyed for many years now and will continue to enjoy in our little downtown Kingman location for many more years to come. We wish the same success to all the downtown merchants bars, restaurants, breweries, and other establishments. It is with dismay and sadness when we see one of our business neighbors leave the community.

Not to toot our horn too loudly but virtually everyone in Kingman knows how long and how hard we have fought for Kingman, the Downtown business owners and for all that’s right and good for Kingman. We are thankful for and have encouraged anyone and everyone to come in, visit our shop, get to know us and get to know what’s in the shop. It’s a very unique and unusual shop, as expressed to us by so many who have passed through our doors over the years. The visits we receive and have received from our mayors, city leaders, council members, members of the chamber, and more have all been graciously and gratefully received.

Yes, the community is growing and will continue to grow with the togetherness and cohesive spirit that we at Thunder-Rode have always encouraged for downtown Kingman.

So, thank you Mr. Johnson for writing that nice piece and especially your closing comment that you choose not to hate as we do as well and as the signage on our property clearly states, “Heritage Not Hate”.

Jack Alexander

One thought on “Commentary on Johnson letter

  1. Your ‘heritage’ that you so proudly display also disturbs and triggers many other people.

    And if you’re so grateful, then can we rest assured there will be no further tantrums in the form of ranting emails to city council et al making false accusations and naming the individuals you’ve decided to target that week?

    You may claim to have nothing to hide, but you sure don’t mind assigning made up actions and conspiracies to others without any evidence to back up your claims.

    I also don’t recall the last time you volunteered to help out for any of the downtown events or projects. You sit on your laurels on your little shop and reap the benefits of the work others have done and still have the nerve to complain that not everyone is bending over backwards to include you. You want to be included? Show up, shut up, and help make the events happen.

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