KINGMAN – Due to staffing concerns at the City of Kingman Public Works Department, the EZ Recycling program has been closed indefinitely. The City often relies on the Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry (ADCRR) to fill some much-needed positions within our city departments, and beginning March 25, 2020, ADCRR decided to not allow inmate staffing in local municipalities, because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The City of Kingman understands this is an inconvenience for our community, however residents are still able to call local businesses to take care of their recycling needs:
· Bulldog Disposal (928)753-6786
· KAR (928)757-9888
The City recommends calling ahead to either facility to clarify which recyclables are being accepted as the recycling market is dynamic. We appreciate your cooperation in a partnered approach to keeping our community safe and beautiful.