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Thank you for reading The Standard newspaper online!

Kingman residents picket at mayor’s home

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Standard holds to the belief that every person has the unalienable right to express their opinion in this forum. However, we advise our readers to exercise prudence and conduct their own independent research when facts are in question. The following was obtained from the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) official website, last updated on Sept. 14, 2020. An average in the U.S., of 1,984 confirmed COVID-19 cases have been diagnosed per 100,000 persons tested, equaling 0.0194% of the population tested. The U.S. has 193,705 deaths confirmed from COVID-19 with hot spots in California, Texas, Florida, Georgia, and…

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Kingman residents picket at mayor’s home

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Standard holds to the belief that every person has the unalienable right to express their opinion in this forum. However, we advise our readers to exercise prudence and conduct their own independent research when facts are in question. The following was obtained from the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) official website, last updated on Sept. 14, 2020. An average in the U.S., of 1,984 confirmed COVID-19 cases have been diagnosed per 100,000 persons tested, equaling 0.0194% of the population tested. The U.S. has 193,705 deaths confirmed from COVID-19 with hot spots in California, Texas, Florida, Georgia, and…

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Construction within the Valle Vista subdivision

Dear Editor, Valle Vista Property Owners Association, Inc. is governed by our CLRs and By-Laws. Valle Vista is within Mohave County. Valle Vista has several requirements for construction that may be additional to those of Mohave County. To construct within Valle Vista, each builder must obtain a copy of the CLRs and By-Laws. The following requirements and procedure must be followed in addition to all federal, state and local building requirements. 1.Pick up copy of CLRs and By-Laws at the administration office at the club house building. 2.Obtain a Mohave County building permit from Mohave County Development Services. 3.Return to…

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Trump is doing a bang-up job (Not)

Dear Editor, It would seem some individuals think those of us who possess differing opinions are ignorant, and then go on to write letters which reveal just the opposite. A writer (Sept. 2 edition of The Standard) accuses some of us of using the Constitution to destroy America, purportedly by advocating some support for social programs. (I have to assume the writer of the letter in question sent her $1,200 stimulus check back, and thinks Social Security is an idea cooked up by a bunch of conservatives.) Since the First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech, even if the content of…

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Cultured meat touted as animal-saving

Dear Editor, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden released a $2 trillion climate plan, that won praise from the previously-critical Sunrise Movement. Unfortunately, so far as I’m aware, the plan does not include funding for cultured-meat research. For those who don’t know, cultured meat is grown from cells, without slaughtering animals. It requires a fraction of the greenhouse-gas emissions that raising livestock does. Dr. Mark Post created the first cultured-beef hamburger in 2013. It cost a whopping $280,000. Soon, he thinks, that price could be reduced to $10. Still, more research is required to make cultured meat economically viable. Politicians who…

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Simple principles for a great day

Dear Editor, Work hard. You feel better and have more money working than if you are doing nothing. Your job is not forever. Visualize the work you want to do and then move your life toward that kind of work. This may require training. Working a low-level paying job in the profession or industry of interest to gain knowledge will help. Be flexible realizing the work you are doing now is preparing you for other opportunities. Working jobs, you don’t enjoy will still provide valuable lessons for wherever you want to be later in life. You will also have some…

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