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Bullhead City roadwork continues

BULLHEAD CITY – The City of Bullhead City Public Works Department has the following projects going on in addition to regular work around our city during the week of May 4:

·            Wastewater wants to remind residents to please only flush human waste; toilet paper & grey water please do not flush any wipes and paper or non-paper products.  Please see the video on Bullhead City’s Facebook page.

·            City crews will be performing city wide sewer cleaning in various neighborhoods.

·            City crews will be performing city wide sewer video inspection.

·            City crews will be performing city wide street sweeping in various neighborhoods.

·            City crews will be performing city wide traffic and street light maintenance and repairs in various locations throughout the city.

·            City crews we be performing weed abatement city wide, this will consist of mechanical control and herbicide applications.

·            City crews will be doing street striping in various areas of the City.  Please use caution.

·            McCormick Construction has started the last phase of the Corwin and S.R. 95 traffic signal, final landscaping this will consist of a shoulder closer during day time hours, This is only for North bound traffic on S.R. 95. New signal was activated and full operation.

·            McCormick Construction has begun work on the Bullhead Parkway extension to the new Laughlin bridge project. 

·            City crews will continue slurry work for CSMP 19/20 as programmed.  Please refer to the City’s project website for further details at:

·            Construction has begun on a Wastewater new odor control unit on1900 Lakeside Dr. near the Post Office.

One thought on “Bullhead City roadwork continues

  1. I realize rhat,weed abatement is a difficult job, but I’m very concerned about the use of Glyphosate-based Herbicides. There are organic alternatives. Or, how about Bulldozers to dig up large swaths of weeds, shake them loose from the soil, and remove them? Poisoning the weeds with Glyphosate has, and is, having a negative effect on both humans,and wildlife. Please ensure that there will be no use of Glyphosate based herbicides!

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