BULLHEAD CITY – While the Bullhead City Municipal Court continues to remain open to the public, many modifications to in-person transactions have been implemented.
People are strongly encouraged to avoid coming to the courthouse. There is a limit of 2 persons from the public allowed inside the building. Only those who have scheduled business will be allowed to enter. Most matters are being continued to June, with the exception of payments. Payments are accepted by phone at 928-763-0130 or online at http://www.azcourtpay.com/.
If you have non-essential matters with the court, please call 928-763-0130 or email bullheadcitymunicipalcourt@courts.az.gov. If you have an essential matter or court date, please call or email in advance to reschedule. Those who need a protective order can visit https://azpoint.azcourts.gov/ and call the court once the information is entered into the system. There is a black drop box that has been installed by the court entrance for the public to submit payments, motions and other documents to the court.
If you are ill or have reason to believe you have been exposed to someone who is ill, please refrain from coming to the courts and utilize the telephone and online services being offered.