BULLHEAD CITY – The City of Bullhead City Public Works Department has the following projects going on in addition to regular work around our city during the week of July 27:
· City crews will be performing city wide sewer cleaning in various neighborhoods.
· City crews will be performing city wide sewer video inspection.
· City crews will be performing city wide street sweeping in various neighborhoods.
· City crews will be performing city wide traffic and street light maintenance and repairs in various locations throughout the city.
· City crews will be performing weed abatement city wide, this will consist of mechanical control and herbicide applications.
· City crews will be doing street striping in various areas of the City. Please use caution.
· McCormick Construction continues to work on the Bullhead Parkway extension to the new Laughlin bridge project.
· Wastewater wants to remind you please only flush human waste; toilet paper & grey water please do not flush any wipes and paper or non-paper products. Please see the video on Bullhead City’s Facebook page.