An initiative that began last week to have Mohave County pressure Arizona Governor Doug Ducey to reopen the economy, at least in northwest Arizona, has fizzled. Supervisors last Thursday directed staff to draft a proposed communication that would be considered during Monday’s board meeting.
The board adjourned Monday’s meeting without any motion to approve and send the letter that was read into the record by Chairman Jean Bishop.
“We respectfully request that you respect our choice and freedoms during this crisis. It should be our right to reopen our economy if we feel we can do so safely and if the numbers begin to rise to levels of concern, we can scale back just as quickly as we did a month ago,” the draft letter said. “Mohave County believes it is time to open up.”
Supervisor Hildy Angius informed the Board that the three District 5 lawmakers who supported a stronger letter last week did not want to sign the county draft because it was “too watered down.” Angius said she no longer supported county lobbying by letter.
“It’s meaningless at this point. Letters like this were sent weeks ago. The governor knows how our rural counties feel as our state representatives have done a very good job in letting him know. I won’t sign off on the letter and I don’t think begging is a strategy we should employ,” Angius said. She said businesses are simply shredding the yoke of excessive restriction anyway.
“Most things are opening. I trust our residents. I trust that business owners can make the right decisions for them and their families, their businesses and their communities,” Angius said. “I know that everyone will employ caution when reopening. I believe they don’t need me or this board to give your permission to open. And I’ll tell you if I had a business, I would be open.”
Bishop and supervisors Buster Johnson and Gary Watson said nothing about the merit of the letter, or sending it to the Governor at Monday’s meeting. Supervisor Ron Gould said he didn’t think it was fair to saddle staff with trying to put board member’s sentiments into writing.
No motion regarding the letter was made whatsoever, and the meeting promptly adjourned.