BULLHEAD CITY – The Bullhead City Branch of the Mohave County Library is hosting a three-day event promoting Personal Awareness on August 29, 30, and 31, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Representatives from several agencies and organizations will be giving presentations on where to find help on a variety of issues. Mohave County Public Health will be providing classes on blood pressure, internet safety, medication safety, nutrition, and more on Aug 29 and 31.
On Aug 30, WACOG, Bullhead City Police and Fire Departments, AZ@Work, Terros Health Crisis Hotline, Mohave Community College, AZ Coalition of Military Families, Community Legal Services, and AZ DES Vocational Rehabilitation and Westware will be speaking to library patrons about services offered regarding legal assistance, crisis intervention, job hunting, veterans resources, identity theft and scams, home safety, and personal safety.
The event is part of an ongoing partnership between the library and local agencies to provide information to the community about where to go for assistance, and to help with recognizing scams and other hazardous situations. In addition to the three-day event, agencies will be holding longer, more in-depth sessions on related topics.
Check the library website, www.mohavecountylibrary.us, for more information.