Deadline to apply is 11:59 p.m. (Arizona time) Tuesday, June 9 |

The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is accepting applications for 2020 hunt permit-tags issued through the draw process for deer, fall turkey, fall javelina, bighorn sheep, fall bison and sandhill crane.
To apply, visit and click on “Apply for a Draw.” For an overview of the application service, including license requirements, applying for bonus points and payment information, see Page 26 of the “2020-21 Arizona Hunting Regulations” booklet. Printed booklets soon will be available at all department offices and license dealers statewide.
The deadline for the department to receive all applications is 11:59 p.m. (Arizona time) Tuesday, June 9, 2020. Applicants must possess a valid Arizona hunting license to apply for a hunt permit-tag. That license must be valid on the last day of the application period (June 9).
A tip: Know your Department ID. This is a must to submit an application. There are three ways to locate a Department ID: Log into your AZGFD portal account, and click on “View Details” under “My AZGFD Dashboard;” check your hunting or combination hunt and fish license if it was purchased online; or call AZGFD at (602) 942-3000 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
All applicants are encouraged to purchase PointGuard, which allows hunters to surrender their hunt permit-tag(s) for any reason without losing their bonus points. Information: