Dear Editor:
In his letter to the editor ”Vote ‘no’ on school bond issue” (The Standard Oct 23, 2019) Larry Kersich makes a good argument for voting against the school bond. I would like to expand upon his letter by questioning a tax (this Bond IS a tax) that “Provides additional classroom space by renovating and reopening Palo Christi as a permanent home for our preschool and teacher training/development center.”
Keyword: Preschool. Why are the property taxpayers being asked to fund a public preschool? I did a quick check of preschools in the Kingman area and found nine privately operated preschools, not counting WACOG Head Start. A taxpayer funded preschool in the Kingman area, in direct competition of privately owned and operated preschools is not something we need.
Kingman property owners, take a look at your tax bill: 5.73% for State School Tax Equalization, 25.77% for Kingman USD #20,16.64% for Mohave Community College, 0.63% for Western AZ Vocation Ed Dist and 15.32% for SD#20 Class B Bonds. Are we not paying enough already for our schools than to add another tax that includes a preschool? I believe the property taxpayers of Mohave County have paid their fair share. Please vote “No” on the November 5 school bond.
Bruce Leeming