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Third positive case of COVID-19 in Mohave County

MOHAVE COUNTY – The Mohave County Department of Public Health (MCDPH) has confirmed the third positive case of COVID-19 in the Kingman service area. The individual, an adult, is being treated in the hospital under strict isolation protocols. 

MCDPH will interview close contacts of the individual, and recommend that each person monitor for symptoms and quarantine themselves for 14 days, based on the risk of exposure.

COVID-19 is believed to be spread mostly through respiratory droplets produced when a sick person coughs or sneezes.  Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.  The best way to prevent COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases is to:

·       Avoid close contact with sick individuals

·       Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth

·       Stay home when you are sick

·       Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue away immediately

·       Clean and disinfect surfaces and frequently used or touched objects, with disinfectant sprays or wipes

·       Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (or singing happy birthday twice). Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers if water and soap are not available

·       Please remember to practice social distancing (approximately six feet or more between and among individuals).

For more information, please visit the CDC website at  or the AZ Department of Health Services at

0 thoughts on “Third positive case of COVID-19 in Mohave County

  1. Did this individual travel outside the US or returning from spring break. We have a right to know how he contracted it.

  2. I don’t understand why once they find out that they have the virus that they’re not quarantined and stay where they are instead they let him go back into the world and let them spread the virus to everybody else that they come in contact or happen to sneeze around or Coffer on I don’t get it we’re the ones spreading it that is what it seems like

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