OATMAN – Come down to Oatman on Saturday, Jan. 25, for the Great Oatman Bed Races. Watch as teams of five haul a metal-framed bed on wheels (one member rides on the bed) down a dusty stretch of the center of town to a station where a waiting bed must be made up with sheets and pillow cases before racing the original bed on wheels back to where they started, or the finish line.
Team registration, which includes four pushers and one rider, is $50.Some of the town’s legendary wild, wandering burros look on. This is good old-fashioned family fun!
There will be a meet-and-greet photo opportunity with Walter! Come up early to secure the best seat in town! The event is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with the race at 1:30 p.m For more information, contact Darin Lowrey 928-768-6222 or Eck 928-514-8595.