Legal Notices for the Week of Oct. 18 – Oct. 24, 2023
ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION have been filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission for PJR RENTAL PROPERTIES LLC, an Arizona Limited Liability Company. The known place of business is: 7126 STOCKTON HILL, KINGMAN, AZ 86409. Effective 10/02/2023. Member Managed. Member: THE ROBERTS FAMILY TRUST DATED DECEMBER 12, 2013 Statutory Agent: JOHN J. ROBERTS, 7126 STOCKTON HILL, KINGMAN, AZ 86409Publish: 10/11, 10/18, 10/25/23 Charles F. Richards, Richards Law Office, P.C., 1515 E. Missouri Ave., Ste. 201, Phoenix, AZ 85014, (602)277-8449, cfr@rlopc.com, Arizona State Bar Number: 010428 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE United Financial…