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What’s the Problem?

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249th Marine Corps Birthday Ball

Dear Editor, On Nov 2nd, Sat at 5

BCSD school sale will include children’s reading materials

BULLHEAD CITY – Children’s books and study materials

Old Hwy 66, Ft. Rock Road project improvements

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CASA of Arizona celebrates teachers

PHOENIX – World Teacher Day is celebrated annually

National Night Out event boasts huge crowd

Bullhead City Police SWAT Team members L-MIchael Santa

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Chloride hosts Old Miner’s Day

CHLORIDE – The historic silver mining community of Chloride will again honor the memory of the hard rock miners who found silver, gold, and other precious minerals in the hills around Chloride. This year’s Old Miners’ Day will be celebrated Saturday, October 21 starting at 9 a.m. Among the activities planned are gunfights, horseshoe tournament, live music, vendors, gold panning, the always zany parade, and much more. You can secure a place in the fun-filled parade by getting a parade entry form at or call 626-483-4571. As always, the parade committee welcomes all who want to enter. Also, there…

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