Dear Editor,
On the seventh day of the seventh month seven years ago, I had the great privilege to embark upon the most fulfilling journey of my career. Since becoming the President and CEO of Solari Crisis & Human Services (formerly Crisis Response Network), I have been fortunate to oversee a growing, nonprofit business which offers free assistance to Arizona residents in crisis, connections to local services and resources across the state, and much more.
For me, it was never about being a leader, it was always about making a difference in the world around me. Whether it was my time as a clinician or in my role now, this focus has never changed.
In July 2014, Solari had a total of 294 employees operating a 24-hour crisis line serving Maricopa County. Since that time, Solari’s team has grown 79% to include 527 staff members today who are dedicated to helping individuals throughout Arizona by Inspiring Hope and Empowering Transformation from HOPE to HEALTH through a continuum of data-driven health care services.
On my lucky seventh anniversary with Solari, I’d like to celebrate the occasion by taking stock of our company’s growth and expanded service offerings over the last seven years and, in so doing, make others aware of the help and the hope that is always available to them.
In 2014, Solari assumed operation of Maricopa County’s non-crisis Warm Line to support anyone 18 years of age or older in central Arizona. The line is staffed by certified peer-support specialists with personal experience with their own mental health challenges and recoveries. At that time, the line averaged 60 calls per day with limited service hours. Today, the Warm Line operates 24/7/365 and averages 372 calls per day, marking a growth of 520%. For free and confidential support, the Warm Line can be reached at 602-347-1100. Further information about the Warm Line can be found online at: https://crisis.solari-inc.org/get-help/warm-line/.
Over the next two years, our company began providing free crisis line and mobile crisis team dispatch services for Northern Arizona in addition to Central Arizona. Today, those lines continue to operate 24/7/365 and, combined, average more than a quarter-million calls annually. Services are 100% free and confidential and callers wait no longer than 10 seconds to speak with a trained Crisis Intervention Specialist. Reach the Central Arizona Crisis Line at 800-631-1314 and the Northern Arizona Crisis Line at 877-756-4090. More information about Solari’s Crisis Lines is available online at: https://crisis.solari-inc.org/get-help/crisis-line/.
Solari was also contracted to provide Serious Mental Illness determinations statewide after beginning that process for Maricopa County in 2014. Our organization received the Best in Class Contact Center Excellence Award in 2015 and was honored with the Best Contact Center Culture Award in 2016, both from industry publication Call Center Week.
In 2017, Solari acquired 2-1-1 Arizona Information and Referral, which helps individuals and families find resources that are available to them locally, throughout the state, and provides connections to critical services that can improve – and save – lives. Resources include food and nutrition programs, shelter and housing options, utilities assistance, and much more. Live-operator service is available 24/7/365 in English and Spanish and assistance is available in other languages via real-time interpreter services. 2-1-1 Arizona can be reached by dialing 2-1-1 from any Arizona phone and further information can be found online at: https://211arizona.org/.
Also, during that year, Solari acquired the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) for the state of Arizona, excluding Pima County. HMIS is a local information technology system used to collect client-level data and data on the provision of housing and services to homeless individuals and families and persons at risk of homelessness. More information about the program can be found online at: https://hmisaz.org/.
Solari was also honored with the Community Champion IMPACT Award from Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce and the Leadership and Advocacy RISE Award from Mercy Care.
During the next two years, Solari launched a dedicated tribal crisis hotline for the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community and was awarded a mental health awareness training grant to provide community education statewide by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Our company also began providing veteran support and virtual case management services as a Be Connected provider. More information is available at: https://www.beconnectedaz.org/.
In 2020, in response to the coronavirus pandemic and at the request of Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, Solari launched the statewide COVID-19 Hotline through our 2-1-1 Arizona program, which is still in operation. We also partnered with AHCCCS for the ongoing Resilient Arizona Crisis Counseling Program, accessible via 2-1-1, to connect residents with providers of free counseling to help them cope with the effects of the pandemic. Further information can be found at: https://resilientarizona.org/
Solari received the Crisis Center Innovation Award from the American Association for Suicidology and was selected as the only Arizona company to provide Teen Mental Health First Aid through the National Council for Behavioral Health’s pilot program. The Phoenix Business Journal honored our organization as one of its Best Places to Work for the second consecutive year.
While we are just halfway through it, 2021 has been an important year for Solari. We’ve rebranded under our new company name as our former moniker – Crisis Response Network – no longer conveyed the breadth and depth of the services offered and the work performed by our organization, as I hope I’ve outlined here.
We have been awarded a contract for receiving and processing the Arizona Department of Child Safety’s integrated rapid response and stabilization referrals for the entire state.
We also contracted with the City of Mesa to assist with the diversion of 911 calls, where appropriate, to our Solari Crisis Line by co-locating a Crisis Specialist in the city’s 911 dispatch center for training and consultation. This places our organization at the vanguard of national efforts to improve mental health care for individuals experiencing a mental health crisis and to increase public safety by reducing the high percentage of mental health calls that law enforcement responds to on a regular basis.
Reflecting on the last seven years of my journey on 7/7, it truly feels like Solari, and myself, have hit the jackpot. I am immensely proud and appreciative of our Board of Directors, the Solari team, and our stakeholders for their commitment and dedication that powered our company’s growth and the expansion of our vital service offerings. Next year, Arizona will select a single, statewide crisis line provider and it is our fervent hope that Solari will be the company to answer that call.
Justin Chase
CEO and President
Solari Crisis and Human Services