LAKE HAVASU CITY – The LHCT Direct shared ride service that used to be found in the Uber App will now have it’s own app separate from Uber in order to have more affordable commutes within Lake Havasu.
This service is in a small SUV or van and can accommodate up to three riders. Cost for rides will only be $3 and 25 cents. Anyone interested can visit the Google Play Store on their mobile devices where they can install the app. This service will be up and running by May 1.
The city will be rezoning land for Agriculture Preservation located at 7000 Chenoweth Dr. into an RV and boat storage complex with Light Industrial District.
Board members also entered an agreement to adopt revised water and wastewater regulations. The agreement will affect service billing, connection charges, hydrant meters, private protection services, and backflow preventions.
Phaedra Veronique