Dear Editor,
His claiming urban development in Kingman is a crisis is misleading, as out community has hard working staff to manage these issues. I know.
We have a mayor, county manager and local developer, Angle Homes that are with the highest integrity.
Kingman is listed as one of the fastest growing communities in the country, with a growth rate of 8.7 % over the last five years, so spouting an “alleged greedy developer, Angle Homes is devastating our open range,” is a depth of ignorance that is unfathomable.
The blessing every community desperately needs is local business. Angle Homes is a high quality, long time business that hires local people, buys local and contributes to local education, the arts and more.
For anyone to aggressively disparage local business, will cause us to leave open the doors to mega developers to come in, that have the capacity to massively overwhelm us.
I recommend you, Chalew, stop seeking some self-adoration. Instead work on some upcoming specific climate change or sustainable growth issues.
Jack Ehrhardt