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Book sale slated

KINGMAN – Friends of the Kingman Library will

21st Annual Free Community Dinner slated

LAKE HAVASU CITY – The entire community is cordially invited

Silver Copper Crossing opens

Photo courtesy the City of Bullhead City BULLHEAD

6 new COVID-19 cases today

MOHAVE COUNTY - Late this afternoon, the Mohave

Indigenous Signs and Symbols Program at County’s Lake

MOHAVE COUNTY — The Lake Havasu City Branch

Donald Ray Marks, Jr.

"Gone Diving" Donald Ray Marks, Jr., courageously left

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Lake Mead roads to receive around $5 million in improvements

BOULDER CITY – A nearly $5 million pavement preservation project has begun at Lake Mead National Recreation Area to improve roads within the 1.5 million-acre park. The project will include cleaning, patching, resurfacing and re-marking around 75 miles of roads and parking areas from the northern end of the park to Willow Beach. Once completed, it will enhance the visitor experience and meet the park’s maintenance needs. The work is scheduled to take place during daylight hours on weekdays through mid-December. During construction, visitors may experience short delays along the roadways, and parking areas may be closed for a limited time….

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Roadwork scheduled throughout Mohave County this week

The citizens of Mohave County can expect the following activity from Mohave County Public Works during the week of November 4: Arizona Strip: Road grading on Mt. Trumbull Loop. Hackberry: Road grading in the Greenwood Village area. Yucca: Road grading on 1) Highland Rd., 2) Alamo Rd. from MP15 working south and 3) Butch Cassidy Rd. Wikieup: Road grading on Back Rd. Kingman: Road grading on 1) Quail Crest Rd. and 2) Coyote Run Rd. Hualapai Mountain Area: Road grading on Old Hwy. 93. Golden Valley: Road grading on SE: 1) Kelvin Rd. from Hwy. 68 to end of roadway,…

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Bermuda water looking for 24% rate increase for south BHC residents

BULLHEAD CITY – The Bullhead City Council has approved municipal intervention in the Bermuda Water company rate case pending before the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) in Phoenix. The city will seek standing in the matter scheduled for formal hearing early next year. “They have proposed a 24% increase for south Bullhead City residents and those outside the city limits,” city manager Toby Cotter said late last month. He said Bermuda wants to increase monthly bills of average customers from $26.62 to $32.99, an annual increase of more than $76. “I think it is imperative that the Bullhead City Council and/or…

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Suicide prevention walk slated for Havasu community

LAKE HAVASU CITY – The Lake Havasu Community Health Foundation is taking it to the streets again to support an extremely important cause. The foundation is well known around town for getting the public involved with their many educational programs about mental health.  

The health foundation has various ongoing support groups such as their caregiver group that provides help to those health care workers that help those suffering from dementia, and their cancer association of Havasu

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Supervisors call special meeting today

This story was updated Monday, March 16 at 7:15 p.m. Mohave County Board of Supervisors has called a Special Meeting today, March 16, at 2:00 p.m. regarding the spread of the corona virus. This story will be updated at 4 p.m. BOS Emergency Meeting: Supervisors, others discuss measures to keep residents virus-free Center for Disease Control today lowers size of public gatherings from 50 to 10 MOHAVE COUNTY – That they were getting updated information and statistics during their 90-minute emergency meeting Monday afternoon accentuated Mohave County supervisor’s claims that the global coronavirus pandemic is evolving at lightning speed. As…

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