Community Medical Services Clinic Manager for Kingman and Lake Havasu City Michelle Valandingham and her associate Ronny Jones spoke at Kingman Route 66 Rotary Club’s February 7 meeting (shown above with club president Karen Brown).
Offering treatment for opioid addiction, there are 46 Community Medical Services clinics nationwide including Kingman, which opened September 2019 and Lake Havasu City, open since August 2019. The clinics administer methadone treatments and provide Naloxone for overdose treatment.
Jones, a recovering opioid addict himself, noted opioids are as important to an addict as food and water and methadone helps rewire the brain to help patients avoid relapses. The clinic accepts Medicare, AHCCCS or private payment.
For further information call 928-565-6699 or email michelle.valandingham@cmsgiveshope.com.