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Trusts and will discussed

Dear Editor, Attention … this is to clear

Fees increase at Arizona State Parks

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Alleged bank robber was unarmed, researched how to

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Newly elected Mohave County officials sworn in

MOHAVE COUNTY – The newly elected Board of supervisors was officially sworn in Monday morning January 6, by Superior Court Judge Steven C Moss. The five supervisors are (L to R) Sonny Borrelli, District 3; Don Martin, District 4, Travis Lingenfelter, District 1 and the new Chairman of the Board; Ron Gould, District 5 and the new Vice Chairman; Rich Lettman, District 2. Judge Moss is on the far right. The supervisors began their new duties with the first meeting shortly after the swearing-in ceremony. Also sworn in were Sheriff Doug Schuster, Treasurer SueAnn Mello, Recorder Lydia Durst, Assessor Jeanne Kentch, County Attorney Matt Smith, and School Superintendent John Warren.