Dear Editor,
I live on N. Bond St., and I am seeing people drive down the road at 30 to 45 mph in a 25 mph zone residential, and most are neighbors. I think they do it because they can get from point A to point B quicker. How can I get them to slow down? They think that N. Bond St is Nascar St., and that they are Rusty Wallace. A lot of them are senior citizens and if you drive the speed limit they tailgate you, then they give you the bird.
Donald Darling
This is happening on Thompson ave. 35mph they doing 45-50 or even more. County need to come & reset the roads new stop signs lower speed. Getting out of hand.
It’s a sad day I talked to the police about it and was told we are under staffed but they can put a police officer on a work site and are children have to worry about being ran over and I myself have been almost hit in front of my house getting very tired of the police not getting there priority’s straight you work for us not adot or the city road crew.
Mr. Darling, I don’t want to ruffle your feathers, but you are wrong about the posted speed limit on Bond St. the posted speed limit on Bond St. is 35 MPH, not 25 MPH as you claim. The posted speed limit on Bond St. for the last 28 years that I’ve lived here in the Butler area has always been posted as 35 MPH not 25 MPH.