An elderly Bullhead City man who tried to hook up with a teenager decided to resolve his criminal case short of trial following an April 5 settlement conference. It was revealed that George Lizotte, 72, was offered a plea agreement that mandates imposition of a 5-10 year prison sentence.
Prosecutor Greg McPhillips said Lizotte sought sex from a person he thought was a 13-year-old girl. He said the communication began on a social media site and continued through text message exchanges.
During last week’s hearing Lizotte was informed he would face a 25-90-year prison term if convicted at trial of five luring a minor counts, three attempted commercial exploitation charges and attempted sexual conduct with a minor.
In addition to prison, terms of the deal require probation for convictions on one count of luring and attempted sexual conduct with a minor. An April 16 hearing has been scheduled to enter the plea agreement before Mohave County Superior Court Judge Derek Carlisle.