DOLAN SPRINGS – The Kingman Mohave Lions will be providing vision screening at the Mohave County Department of Public Heath second annual Health Fair/ STEM Night, Thursday, September 19, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Mt. Tipton School, 16500 Pierce Ferry Rd. This event is free and open to the community!
Other opportunities will include child immunizations, a prescription drug overdose program, tobacco education from Mohave County, Nutrition & Physical Activity Promotion, dental kits from United Way, Public Health Emergency Program, a Developmental Disabilities Program and STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math with activities in each classroom!
For questions regarding the Lions’ Vision Screening, call Danette Myers,(928-753-4505, email, or call Mari Peterso, 602-459-2510, email