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Legal Notices

Gary R. Pope, State Bar No. 002671, P.O. Box 6699, Kingman, Arizona 86402, Telephone: (928)718-8080, Fax: (928) 718-6366, Attorney for Personal Representative IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE In the Matter of the Estate of: WILLIAM D. MCPOWELL, Deceased. No. PB 2019-00123 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of this Estate. For purposes of this Notice, the address of the Personal Representative shall be in care of the law firm identified below. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice, or within sixty (60) days after the mailing or other delivery of this Notice, whichever is later, or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented by delivering or mailing written statement of the claim to Gary R. Pope, P.O. Box 6699, Kingman, Arizona 86402, Attorney for Personal Representative. DATED this 25th day of June, 2019. /s/ RASHIEL J. SALEM, #20253 Personal Representative Law Office of Gary R. Pope By /s/ Gary R. Pope Attorney for Personal Representative 
Publish: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/19

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE Travis Holyoak, Plaintiff -vs- Triple Seven Express LLC; Cindy Landa Cox, as Mohave County Treasurer; XYZ PARTNERSHIP, a partnership; ABC CORPORATION, a corporation; JOHN DOE I-X, JANE DOE I-X; the unknown heirs of any of the above if they be deceased, Defendants No. CV-2019-00448 SUMMONS To: Triple Seven Express LLC YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to appear and defend in the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the date of service, of the summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if serviced outside Arizona. You are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. The complaint is to foreclose a tax lien to real property in Mohave County Arizona. Given under my hand and seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of Mohave, this 16th day of May, 2019 VIRLYNN TINNELL CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: S. OGATA Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31/19

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE Travis Holyoak, Plaintiff -vs- Dionisio Villanueva, an unmarried man; Cindy Landa Cox, as Mohave County Treasurer; XYZ PARTNERSHIP, a partnership; ABC CORPORATION, a corporation; JOHN DOE I-X, JANE DOE I-X; the unknown heirs of any of the above if they be deceased, Defendants No. CV-2019-00449 SUMMONS To: Dionisio Villanueva YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to appear and defend in the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the date of service, of the summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if serviced outside Arizona. You are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. The complaint is to foreclose a tax lien to real property in Mohave County Arizona. Given under my hand and seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of Mohave, this 16th day of May, 2019 VIRLYNN TINNELL CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: S. OGATA Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31/19

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE Travis Holyoak, Plaintiff -vs- London Land Holdings LLC; Arizona Land Conservancy LLC; Ashanti Partners LLC; DP General Partnership; StoneCastle Securities LLC; Cindy Landa Cox, as Mohave County Treasurer; XYZ PARTNERSHIP, a partnership; ABC CORPORATION, a corporation; JOHN DOE I-X, JANE DOE I-X; the unknown heirs of any of the above if they be deceased, Defendants No. CV-2019-00447 SUMMONS To: DP General Partnership LLC YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to appear and defend in the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the date of service, of the summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if serviced outside Arizona. You are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. The complaint is to foreclose a tax lien to real property in Mohave County Arizona. Given under my hand and seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of Mohave, this 16th day of May, 2019 VIRLYNN TINNELL CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: S. OGATA Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31/19

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE Travis Holyoak, Plaintiff -vs- O. Louise Jones and John Doe Jones, her husband; Cindy Landa Cox, as Mohave County Treasurer; XYZ PARTNERSHIP, a partnership; ABC CORPORATION, a corporation; JOHN DOE I-X, JANE DOE I-X; the unknown heirs of any of the above if they be deceased, Defendants No. CV-2019-00446 SUMMONS To: O. Louise Jones YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to appear and defend in the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the date of service, of the summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if serviced outside Arizona. You are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. The complaint is to foreclose a tax lien to real property in Mohave County Arizona. Given under my hand and seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of Mohave, this 16th day of May, 2019 VIRLYNN TINNELL CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: S. OGATA Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31/19

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE Travis Holyoak, Plaintiff -vs- Development Funding Group, Inc; Cindy Landa Cox, as Mohave County Treasurer; XYZ PARTNERSHIP, a partnership; ABC CORPORATION, a corporation; JOHN DOE I-X, JANE DOE I-X; the unknown heirs of any of the above if they be deceased, Defendants No. CV-2019-00418 SUMMONS To: Development Funding Group Inc YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to appear and defend in the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the date of service, of the summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if serviced outside Arizona. You are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. The complaint is to foreclose a tax lien to real property in Mohave County Arizona. Given under my hand and seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of Mohave, this 16th day of May, 2019 VIRLYNN TINNELL CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: S. OGATA Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31/19

Keith S. Knochel, Aline K. Knochel, State Bar No. 025234, Nicholas Darus, State Bar No. 029796, State Bar No. 009165, KNOCHEL LAW OFFICES, 1967 Highway 95, Bullhead City, Arizona 86442, Telephone: 928-444-1000, Facsimile: 928-444-1015, Email:, Attorneys for Petitioner IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE In re the Matter of: MYA ROBINSON, A minor under the age of 18. RONDA ROBINSON, Petitioner, and MARJORIE MISHLER and MA’KYLE ROBINSON, Respondents. Case No. DO-2019-04155 ORDER TO APPEAR RE: VERIFIED PETITION FOR IN LOCO PARENTIS CUSTODY PURSUANT TO A.R.S. Section 25-415 READ THIS ORDER CAREFULLY: This is an important Court Order that affects your rights. Read this Order carefully. If you do not understand this Order, contact a lawyer for help. All parties, whether represented by attorneys or not, must be present. If there is failure to appear, the court may make such orders as are just, including granting the relief requested by the party who does not appear. A VERIFIED PETITION FOR IN LOCO PARENTIS CUSTODY PURSUANT TO A.R.S. Section 25-415 was filed with the court. Based on the Petition and all other documents filed with it, pursuant to Arizona law, IT IS ORDERED you appear for hearing on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at the hour of 1:30 p.m. before the Honorable Rick A. Williams. [This Order to Appear Hearing has been continued to Monday, July 15, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. by court order dated the 16th day of May, 2019], at Mohave County Courthouse, 2225 Trane Avenue, Bullhead City, Arizona. TIME ALLOTTED FOR HEARING: Thirty (30) minutes. EVIDENCE [X] WILL be presented at the hearing. At the hearing the judge will listen to the testimony from both parties and their witnesses and decide whether to grant the Order, or if an Order is already issues, whether to modify or revoke it, and whether any other orders should be entered. The judge may also decide which party will be ordered to pay the filing fee and other court fees caused as a result of the filing of the “VERIFIED PETITION FOR IN LOCO PARENTIS CUSTODY PURSUANT TO A.R.S. Section 25-415.” The party who petitioned for this order must serve on the other party a copy of the “VERIFIED PETITION FOR IN LOCO PARENTIS CUSTODY PURSUANT TO A.R.S. Section 25-415,” a copy of this Order, and copies of any other documents upon which the Motion was based. The copies of the papers must be served at least 5 days before the hearing. DONE IN OPEN COURT: May 10, 2019 /s/ Judge of the Mohave County Superior Court DOUG CAMACHO Copies of all documents may be obtained from the Attorneys for Petitioners listed at the top of this notice.
Publish: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24/19

NOTICE (for publication) RESTATED ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION OF WILTROT INDUSTRIES, LLC, An Arizona Limited Liability Company (A.R.S. §29-632). Pursuant to the provisions of A.R.S. § 29-633, the Article of Organization filed February 23, 1998 are hereby restated to read as follows: 1. Name. The name of the Company which is Wiltrot Industries, L.L.C. is changed to be Wiltrot Industries, LLC. 2. Purpose. This Company is organized to transact any and all lawful business for which a limited liability company may be organized pursuant to A.R.S. § 29-601 et seq. including without limitation the owning and renting real property. 3. Statutory Agent. The Statutory Agent for service of process is: Perry E. Trotter, 2645 Airway Avenue, Kingman, AZ 86409. 4. Business Address. The business address of the Company is: 2645 Airway Avenue, Kingman, AZ 86409 5. Member(s). The Member of the Company is: The Trotter Family Trust dated November 9, 2005, Perry E. Trotter and Carla J. Trotter, Trustees Mailing: PO Box 6398, Kingman, AZ 86402 Physical: 4083 West Chino, Golden Valley, AZ 86413 6. Management. Management of the Company is vested in the Managers, who may act individually or collectively, and not the Member(s). The Member(s), have no management authority and may not bind this Company unless stated in writing by the Managers, or following a vote of the Members constituting a majority of fifty-one percent (51%) or more of the Member(s) ownership interest, and not based on a per capita vote. The Managers of the Company at this time are: Perry E. Trotter, 2645 Airway Avenue, Kingman, AZ 86409 and Carla J. Trotter, 2645 Airway Avenue, Kingman, AZ 86409 7. Indemnification of Members and Managers. The Company shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless, any Member or Manager who incurs claims, expenses or liabilities by the fact that he or she is or was an Member or Manager of the Company, This Indemnification shall be mandatory in all circumstances in which indemnification is permitted by law, except as to claims of the Company for the person’s wrongdoing. 9. Term. The term of this Company is perpetual, unless or until terminated by an authorized affirmative act of the Company, or as a matter of law. Signed this 7th day of June, 2019, /s/ The Trotter Family Trust dated November 9, 2005, Perry E. Trotter and Carla J. Trotter, Trustees, Perry E. Trotter and Carla J. Trotter
Publish: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/19

Notice of Formation: Splat That Paintball, LLC. Statutory Agent: Jordan Wayman, 3144 Jerome St. Kingman, AZ 86401. Management of the LLC is reserved to the members. Members: Jordan Wayman, 3144 Jerome St. Kingman, AZ 86401; Tyler Wigren, 3346 Clark St. Kingman, AZ 86401 
Publish: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/19

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Mohave County Board of Supervisors will hold an open Public Hearing on July 15, 2019 to discuss the proposed fee schedule for providing commercial data requests, custom maps, returned check fee and priority fee requests for parcel splits/combines to the Assessor’s office as submitted. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hildy Angius, Chairman ATTEST: Ginny Anderson, Clerk
Publish: 6/19, 6/26, 7/3, 7/10/19

Person/Attorney Filing: Jeffrey A. Goldberg, Mailing Address: 730 E. Beale Street, City, State, Zip Code: Kingman, AZ 86401, Phone Number: 9287536115, E-mail Address: [ ] Representing Self, Without an Attorney (If Attorney) State Bar Number: 011496 AZ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF Mohave Paul D. Wilkins Plaintiff(s), v. John William James et al Defendant(s). To: John William James Case No. S8015CV201900408 SUMMONS WARNING: THIS AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT FROM THE COURT THAT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS. READ THIS SUMMONS CAREFULLY. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT, CONTACT AN ATTORNEY FOR LEGAL ADVICE. 1. A lawsuit has been filed against you. A copy of the lawsuit and other court papers were served on you with this Summons. 2. If you do not want a judgment taken against you without our input, you must file an Answer in writing with the Court, and you must pay the required filing fee. To file your Answer, take or send the papers to Clerk of the Superior Court, P.O. Box 7000 Kingman AZ 86402 or electronically file your Answer through one of Arizona’s approved electronic filing system at Mail a copy of the Answer to the other party, the Plaintiff, at the address listed on the top of this Summons. Note: If you do not file electronically you will not have electronic access to the documents in this case. 3. If this Summons and the other papers were served on you within the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within TWENTY (20) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. If this Summons and the other court papers were served on you outside the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. Requests for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities must be made to the court by parties at least 3 working days in advance of a scheduled court proceeding. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona in and for the County of Mohave SIGNED AND SEALED this date: May 8, 2019 SEAL VIRLYNN TINNELL, Clerk of Superior Court By: DRAMOS, Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24/19

Person/Attorney Filing: Jeffrey A. Goldberg, Mailing Address: 730 E. Beale Street, City, State, Zip Code: Kingman, AZ 86401, Phone Number: 9287536115, E-mail Address: [ ] Representing Self, Without an Attorney (If Attorney) State Bar Number: 011496 AZ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF Mohave White Cliffs Arizona, LLC Plaintiff(s), v. Jack B. Kegg et al Defendant(s). To: Jack B. Kegg Case No. S8015CV201900580 SUMMONS WARNING: THIS AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT FROM THE COURT THAT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS. READ THIS SUMMONS CAREFULLY. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT, CONTACT AN ATTORNEY FOR LEGAL ADVICE. 1. A lawsuit has been filed against you. A copy of the lawsuit and other court papers were served on you with this Summons. 2. If you do not want a judgment taken against you without our input, you must file an Answer in writing with the Court, and you must pay the required filing fee. To file your Answer, take or send the papers to Clerk of the Superior Court, P.O. Box 7000 Kingman AZ 86402 or electronically file your Answer through one of Arizona’s approved electronic filing system at Mail a copy of the Answer to the other party, the Plaintiff, at the address listed on the top of this Summons. Note: If you do not file electronically you will not have electronic access to the documents in this case. 3. If this Summons and the other papers were served on you within the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within TWENTY (20) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. If this Summons and the other court papers were served on you outside the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. Requests for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities must be made to the court by parties at least 3 working days in advance of a scheduled court proceeding. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona in and for the County of Mohave SIGNED AND SEALED this date: June 20, 2019 SEAL VIRLYNN TINNELL, Clerk of Superior Court By: GHOWELL, Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24/19

Person/Attorney Filing: Jeffrey A. Goldberg, Mailing Address: 730 E. Beale Street, City, State, Zip Code: Kingman, AZ 86401, Phone Number: 9287536115, E-mail Address: [ ] Representing Self, Without an Attorney (If Attorney) State Bar Number: 011496 AZ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF Mohave White Cliffs Arizona, LLC Plaintiff(s), v. Harold Pritchard et al Defendant(s). To: Harold Pritchard Case No. S8015CV201900582 SUMMONS WARNING: THIS AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT FROM THE COURT THAT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS. READ THIS SUMMONS CAREFULLY. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT, CONTACT AN ATTORNEY FOR LEGAL ADVICE. 1. A lawsuit has been filed against you. A copy of the lawsuit and other court papers were served on you with this Summons. 2. If you do not want a judgment taken against you without our input, you must file an Answer in writing with the Court, and you must pay the required filing fee. To file your Answer, take or send the papers to Clerk of the Superior Court, P.O. Box 7000 Kingman AZ 86402 or electronically file your Answer through one of Arizona’s approved electronic filing system at Mail a copy of the Answer to the other party, the Plaintiff, at the address listed on the top of this Summons. Note: If you do not file electronically you will not have electronic access to the documents in this case. 3. If this Summons and the other papers were served on you within the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within TWENTY (20) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. If this Summons and the other court papers were served on you outside the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. Requests for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities must be made to the court by parties at least 3 working days in advance of a scheduled court proceeding. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona in and for the County of Mohave SIGNED AND SEALED this date: June 20, 2019 SEAL VIRLYNN TINNELL, Clerk of Superior Court By: GHOWELL, Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24/19

Person/Attorney Filing: Eric W Kessler, Mailing Address: 6720 N. Scottsdale Rd., Ste. 210, City, State, Zip Code: Scottsdale, AZ 85253, Phone Number: (480)644-0093, E-Mail Address: State Bar Number: 009158, Issuing State: AZ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE OHAD L. BUKAI, an individual, Plaintiff, vs. RONALD W. BACHTELL, an unmarried man; CAROLANN KISH SCHAFRANEK, an unmarried woman; CINDY LANDA COX, Mohave County Treasurer; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE; ABC CORPORATION; ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS OF ABOVE, Defendants. Case No. S8015CV201900511 SUMMONS IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA: TO: All Defendants named above. WARNING: THIS IS AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT FROM THE COURT THAT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS. READ THIS SUMMONS CAREFULLY. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT, CONTACT AN ATTORNEY FOR LEGAL ADVICE. 1. A lawsuit has been filed against you. A copy of the lawsuit and other court papers were served on you with this Summons. 2. If you do not want a judgment taken against you without your input, you must file an Answer in writing with the Court, and you must pay the required filing fee. To file your Answer, take or send the papers to Clerk of the Superior Court, 401 E. Spring Street, Kingman, AZ 86401 or electronically file your Answer through one of Arizona’s approved electronic filing systems at Mail a copy of the Answer to the other party, the Plaintiff, at the address listed on the top of this Summons. Note: If you do not file electronically you will not have electronic access to the documents in this case. 3. If this Summons and the other court papers were served on you within the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within TWENTY (20) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. If this Summons and the other court papers were served on you outside the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. Requests for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities must be made to the court by parties at least 3 working days in advance of a scheduled court proceeding. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona in and for the County of MOHAVE SIGNED AND SEALED this date: June 4, 2019 VIRLYNN TINNELL Clerk of Superior Court By: DRAMOS Deputy Clerk
Publish: 6/19, 6/26, 7/3, 7/10/19

Person/Attorney Filing: Eric W Kessler, Mailing Address: 6720 N. Scottsdale Rd., Ste. 210, City, State, Zip Code: Scottsdale, AZ 85253, Phone Number: (480)644-0093, E-Mail Address: State Bar Number: 009158, Issuing State: AZ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE ELPIS HOLDINGS, LLC, a limited liability company; THEODORE N. ZISSOS, IRA, Plaintiff, vs. ANTHONY AMAGRANDE and JANE DOE AMAGRANDE, his wife; MARIA AMAGRANDE and JOHN DOE AMAGRANDE, her husband; ZB NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, a foreign corporation, as successor by merger to The Stockmen’s Bank; MOHAVE COUNTY, a body politic; COUNTY OF MOHAVE, through the Mohave County Department of Health, Environmental Health Division; CINDY LANDA COX, Mohave County Treasurer; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE; ABC CORPORATION; ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS OF ABOVE, Defendants. Case No. S8015CV201900510 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA: TO: All Defendants named above. WARNING: THIS IS AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT FROM THE COURT THAT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS. READ THIS SUMMONS CAREFULLY. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT, CONTACT AN ATTORNEY FOR LEGAL ADVICE. 1. A lawsuit has been filed against you. A copy of the lawsuit and other court papers were served on you with this Summons. 2. If you do not want a judgment taken against you without your input, you must file an Answer in writing with the Court, and you must pay the required filing fee. To file your Answer, take or send the papers to Clerk of the Superior Court, 401 E. Spring Street, Kingman, AZ 86401 or electronically file your Answer through one of Arizona’s approved electronic filing systems at Mail a copy of the Answer to the other party, the Plaintiff, at the address listed on the top of this Summons. Note: If you do not file electronically you will not have electronic access to the documents in this case. 3. If this Summons and the other court papers were served on you within the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within TWENTY (20) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. If this Summons and the other court papers were served on you outside the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. Requests for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities must be made to the court by parties at least 3 working days in advance of a scheduled court proceeding. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona in and for the County of MOHAVE SIGNED AND SEALED this date: June 4, 2019 VIRLYNN TINNELL Clerk of Superior Court By: DRAMOS Deputy Clerk
Publish: 06/19, 06/26, 07/03, 07/10/19

Person/Attorney Filing: Eric W Kessler, Mailing Address: 6720 N. Scottsdale Rd., Ste. 210, City, State, Zip Code: Scottsdale, AZ 85253, Phone Number: (480)644-0093, E-Mail Address: State Bar Number: 009158, Issuing State: AZ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE OHAD L. BUKAI, an individual, Plaintiff, vs. ANTHONY C. PORTER and CARMEN Z. PORTER, husband and wife; CINDY LANDA COX, Mohave County Treasurer; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE; ABC CORPORATION; ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS OF ABOVE, Defendants. Case No. CV2019-00500 SUMMONS IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA: TO: All Defendants named above. WARNING: THIS IS AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT FROM THE COURT THAT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS. READ THIS SUMMONS CAREFULLY. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT, CONTACT AN ATTORNEY FOR LEGAL ADVICE. 1. A lawsuit has been filed against you. A copy of the lawsuit and other court papers were served on you with this Summons. 2. If you do not want a judgment taken against you without your input, you must file an Answer in writing with the Court, and you must pay the required filing fee. To file your Answer, take or send the papers to Clerk of the Superior Court, 401 E. Spring Street, Kingman, AZ 86401 or electronically file your Answer through one of Arizona’s approved electronic filing systems at Mail a copy of the Answer to the other party, the Plaintiff, at the address listed on the top of this Summons. Note: If you do not file electronically you will not have electronic access to the documents in this case. 3. If this Summons and the other court papers were served on you within the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within TWENTY (20) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. If this Summons and the other court papers were served on you outside the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. Requests for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities must be made to the court by parties at least 3 working days in advance of a scheduled court proceeding. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona in and for the County of MOHAVE SIGNED AND SEALED this date: June 3, 2019. /s/ D. Ramos, Deputy Clerk
Publish: 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/19.

Person/Attorney Filing: Eric W Kessler, Mailing Address: 6720 N. Scottsdale Rd., Ste. 210, City, State, Zip Code: Scottsdale, AZ 85253, Phone Number: (480)644-0093, E-Mail Address: State Bar Number: 009158, Issuing State: AZ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE FCM CUSTODIAN FOR FIG CAPITAL INVESTMENTS, AZ 13, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. GEORGE R. ACOSTA, a single man; CINDY LANDA COX, Mohave County Treasurer; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE; ABC CORPORATION; ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS OF ABOVE, Defendants. Case No. S8015CV201900463 SUMMONS IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA: TO: All Defendants named above. WARNING: THIS IS AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT FROM THE COURT THAT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS. READ THIS SUMMONS CAREFULLY. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT, CONTACT AN ATTORNEY FOR LEGAL ADVICE. 1. A lawsuit has been filed against you. A copy of the lawsuit and other court papers were served on you with this Summons. 2. If you do not want a judgment taken against you without your input, you must file an Answer in writing with the Court, and you must pay the required filing fee. To file your Answer, take or send the papers to Clerk of the Superior Court, 401 E. Spring Street, Kingman, AZ 86401 or electronically file your Answer through one of Arizona’s approved electronic filing systems at Mail a copy of the Answer to the other party, the Plaintiff, at the address listed on the top of this Summons. Note: If you do not file electronically you will not have electronic access to the documents in this case. 3. If this Summons and the other court papers were served on you within the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within TWENTY (20) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. If this Summons and the other court papers were served on you outside the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. Requests for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities must be made to the court by parties at least 3 working days in advance of a scheduled court proceeding. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona in and for the County of MOHAVE SIGNED AND SEALED this date: May 21, 2019 VIRLYNN TINNELL Clerk of Superior Court by: DRAMOS, Deputy Clerk
Publish: 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/19

Person/Attorney Filing: Eric W Kessler, Mailing Address: 6720 N. Scottsdale Rd., Ste. 210, City, State, Zip Code: Scottsdale, AZ 85253, Phone Number: (480)644-0093, E-Mail Address: State Bar Number: 009158, Issuing State: AZ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE FCM CUSTODIAN FOR FIG CAPITAL INVESTMENTS, AZ 13, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. NORTE EQUITY, INC., a Utah corporation; ROBERT A. MACKENZIE, an individual; F. DAVENPORT, an individual; FALCON LODGE & GARDENS TRUST, a limited partnership in the State of Arizona; CROWN INVESTMENTS AND TRUST, for the White Hills Historical Society, a private non-profit organization; CINDY LANDA COX, Mohave County Treasurer; JOHN DOE and JANE DOE; ABC CORPORATION; ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS OF ABOVE, Defendants. No. S8015CV201800163 ALIAS SUMMONS IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA: TO: All Defendants named above. WARNING: THIS IS AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT FROM THE COURT THAT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS. READ THIS SUMMONS CAREFULLY. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT, CONTACT AN ATTORNEY FOR LEGAL ADVICE. 1. A lawsuit has been filed against you. A copy of the lawsuit and other court papers were served on you with this Summons. 2. If you do not want a judgment taken against you without your input, you must file an Answer in writing with the Court, and you must pay the required filing fee. To file your Answer, take or send the papers to Clerk of the Superior Court, 401 E. Spring Street, Kingman, AZ 86401 or electronically file your Answer through one of Arizona’s approved electronic filing systems at Mail a copy of the Answer to the other party, the Plaintiff, at the address listed on the top of this Summons. Note: If you do not file electronically you will not have electronic access to the documents in this case. 3. If this Summons and the other court papers were served on you within the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within TWENTY (20) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. If this Summons and the other court papers were served on you outside the State of Arizona, your Answer must be filed within THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS from the date of service, not counting the day of service. Requests for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities must be made to the court by parties at least 3 working days in advance of a scheduled court proceeding. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona in and for the County of MOHAVE SIGNED AND SEALED this date: June 13, 2019 VIRLYNN TINNELL Clerk of the Court By: DRAMOS Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO CV-2019-04073 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Amir Hossein Niksejel, and Tiffany Chreene, his wife; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 28th day of May, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk 
Publish: 6/19, 6/26, 7/3, 7/10/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04083 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Dayle Emilie Wacaser, and John Doe Wacaser, her husband; and, Dayle Emilie Platt, and John Doe Platt, her husband; and, Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 28th day of May, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Deputy Clerk 
Publish: 6/19, 6/26, 7/3, 7/10/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04065 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Nancy M. Soto and John Doe Soto, her husband; and, Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 29th day of May, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04069 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Nancy A. Ricca A Est of; and, Nancy A. Ricca; and, John Doe Ricca, her husband; and, Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 28th day of May, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Verlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk Publish: 06/19, 06/26, 07/03, 07/10/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04078 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Robert C. Hansmeyer; and, Jane Doe Hansmeyer, his wife; and, Mohave County Development Services; and, Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 29th day of May, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Verlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk Publish: 06/19, 06/26, 07/03, 07/10/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04079 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Roslind J. Genochio; and, John Doe Genochio, her husband; and, Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 29th day of May, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Verlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk 
Publish: 06/19, 06/26, 07/03, 07/10/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04086 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Michelle Larsen; and John Doe Larsen, husband; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 29th day of May, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk 
Publish: 6/19, 6/26, 7/3, 7/10/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04090 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Zelphia Agnes Morris, and John Doe Morris, her husband; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 6th day of June, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 6/28, 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04111 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Michael Martinez & Jane Doe Martinez, his wife; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 12th day of June, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04112 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Theresa M. Manning; and John Doe I Manning, her husband, and Mycki Manning, and John Doe II Manning; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 12th day of June, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/19.

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04066 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Charlie Marie Gordon; and, John Doe Gordon, her husband; and, Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 28th day of May, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04068 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Gilbert E. Rutledge; and, Jane Doe Rutledge, wife, Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 28th day of May, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 6/19, 6/26, 7/3, 7/10/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04071 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Richard R Hoover; and, Jane Doe Hoover, wife, Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 28th day of May 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04075 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. William Regis Smith; and, Jane Doe Smith, his wife, Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 28th day of May, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/10. 7/17, 7/24, 7/31/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04077 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Arlene M. Hogan; and, John Doe Hogan, her husband, and, Barbara J. Hartling; and, John Doe Hartling; her husband; and, Worldwide Asset Management LLC; and, Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 29th day of May, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04080 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. April Michelle Steele and John Doe Steele, her husband; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 29th day of May, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04081 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Myra Burman & Albert Burman, her husband; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 29th day of May, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04084 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Louis R. Cuellar, and Jane Doe I Cuellar, his wife, and; Ermilo Cuellar, and Jane Doe II Cuellar, his wife, and Estate of Louis Cuellar; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. XYZ the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 29th day of May, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04088 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Phil Benson, and Eufemia Benson, his wife; and Pioneer Title Agency Inc, an Arizona Company as trustee under Trust #9276; and G.H.R. Development Inc., an Arizona Corporation, Ralph J. McGrath, President/ CEO; and G.H.R. Landowners Association Unit II Water Cooperative, Inc.; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 6th day of June, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04091 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Ronald Culpepper, and Jane Doe Culpepper, his wife, and Jeannie Sykes aka Jeannie Lavern Sharpley, and John Doe Sykes, her husband; and Pioneer Title Agency Inc., an Arizona Company as trustee under Trust #9276; and G.H.R. Development Inc., an Arizona Corporation, Ralph J. McGrath, President/CEO; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 6th day of June, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04094 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Joseph Carpenetti; and Josephine Carpenetti, his wife; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 6th day of June, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk 
Publish: 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04096 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Dolores E. Dandoy and John Doe Dandoy, her husband; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 6th day of June, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04097 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Edgardo Baca, and Jane Doe Baca, his wife; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 6th day of June, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04099 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff – vs. Albert Schwartz; and Mollie Schwartz, his wife; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 6th day of June, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell, Deputy Clerk 
Publish: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04102 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Marlene A. Morgan in Trust for Charlotte I Fitts, and Gary Elms; and Charlotte I Fitts, and John Doe Fitts, her husband; and Gary Elms, and Jane Doe Elms, his wife; and Christine Hernandez, and John Doe Hernandez, her husband; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 12th day of June, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04104 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Irma Montes and John Doe Montes, her husband; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 12th day of June, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04105 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. William M. Weston; and Jane Doe Weston, his wife; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this 12th day of June, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24/19

QUIET TITLE SUMMONS NO. CV-2019-04110 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE THOMAS R. REINGRUBER, Plaintiff vs. Erica Pointer and ,John Doe Pointer, husband; and Erica Kobett and John Doe Kobett, husband; and Mohave County Treasurer; et. al.. the unknown heirs of all of the above named defendants if any of them be deceased; and all other persons claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint adverse to Plaintiff; title thereto Defendants To The Above Named Defendants and each of them. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to appear and defend in the above entitled action in the above entitled court, within TWENTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, after service of the Summons upon you, if served within the State of Arizona; or within THIRTY DAYS, exclusive of the day of service, if served without the State of Arizona, and you are hereby notified that in case you fail so to do, Judgment by Default WILL BE rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Complaint is to foreclose a lien and to Quiet Title to real property in Mohave County, Arizona. Thomas R. Reingruber, Plaintiff 1916 Realeza Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89102, Phone 702-876-0753. GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of MOHAVE, this12th day of June, 2019. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT By: Virlynn Tinnell Deputy Clerk
Publish: 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/19

STEVEN BIEHN , State Bar I.D. #006220, WACHTEL, BIEHN & MALM, 2240 McCulloch Boulevard, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403, (928) 855-5115, Email: Attorney for Personal Representative IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: LINDA G. LARSON, Deceased. Probate No: 2019-07037 NOTICE TO CREDITORS (For Publication) NOTICE IS GIVEN that Thomas E. Larson was appointed Personal Representative of this Estate. All persons having claims against the Estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented by delivering or mailing a written statement of the claim to the Personal Representative at WACHTEL, BIEHN & MALM, 2240 McCulloch Boulevard, Lake Havasu City, Arizona 86403. DATED this 28th day of July, 2019. /s/ STEVEN BIEHN Attorney for Personal Representative
Publish: 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/19

WACHTEL, BIEHN & MALM 2240 McCulloch Boulevard, Lake Havasu City AZ 86403 Case Number: 1995326 NOTICE ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION HAVE BEEN FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION FOR DESERT THREADS, LLC. The address of the registered office is 142 Chippewa Lane, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404. The name and address of the Statutory Agent is WHITNEY ANN FALLDORF, 142 Chippewa Lane, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404. Management of the Limited Liability Company is vested in a manager or managers. The names and addresses of each person who is a manager and each member who owns a twenty percent or greater interest in the capital or profits of the limited liability company are: WHITNEY ANN FALLDORF, 142 Chippewa Lane, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404.
Publish: 6/26, 7/3, 7/10/19

WACHTEL, BIEHN & MALM, 2240 McCulloch Boulevard, Lake Havasu City AZ 86403 ACC File Number: 2000888 NOTICE ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION HAVE BEEN FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION FOR ARIZONA MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES, LLC. The address of the registered office is 220 Buckboard Place, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404. The name and address of the Statutory Agent is DEAN E. BAKER, 220 Buckboard Place, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404. Management of the Limited Liability Company is vested in a manager or managers. The names and addresses of each person who is a manager and each member who owns a twenty percent or greater interest in the capital or profits of the limited liability company are: DEAN E. BAKER and ANA B. BAKER, as Trustees of the DEAN E. BAKER AND ANA B. BAKER LIVING TRUST DATED AUGUST 10, 2017.
Publish: 7/10, 7/17, 7/24/19