BULLHEAD CITY – Any thought of seeking voter approval of an increase in the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) appears dead for now in Bullhead City. There was no support for the initiative when City Manager Toby Cotter floated a trial balloon at the February 18 council meeting.
“It was my impression at the workshop that there didn’t seem to be four votes in favor of moving this item forward,” Cotter said. “And, so rather than having our attorney put a lot of work into a potential resolution of adoption, I ask you this evening if you’re in favor of doing that.”
Council member Mark Clark expressed confidence that the opening of two new hotel properties will result in a revenue increase without need of increasing the TOT. “I think we should wait and see what the results are of these two facilities coming on line and what’s that going to do to our total TOT revenues before we actually go about starting to go for an increase,” Clark said.
Council member Steve D’Amico said visitors and residents alike are already paying an excessive total sales tax rate of 10.5%.
“You start getting over 10% in taxes, that’s crazy,” D’Amico said. “I believe this is a wanted tax, not a needed tax. I believe if we put it on the ballot we’re wasting our time and money.”
Mayor Tom Brady agreed.
“I think our citizens would oppose any kind of a tax increase and I agree with Steve that we don’t need to spend the money on election materials and pamphlets and everything else,” Brady said.
Further consideration of a TOT increase, at least for now, has stalled for lack of motion by any of the Council members.
- Dave Hawkins