MOHAVE COUNTY – In April and May 2019, several cases of hepatitis A were identified in Mohave County. Hepatitis A is a serious and contagious liver disease caused by the hepatitis A virus. It is most commonly spread when someone puts something in their mouth that has touched the feces (poop) or soiled fingers of an infected person such as food, drinks, or other contaminated objects. Hepatitis A can also be spread through illicit drug use (whether injected or not) as well as sexual contact. Hepatitis A symptoms include:aAbdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tiredness, dark urine, fever, loss of appetite, light or grey colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes).
People with symptoms of hepatitis A should see a healthcare provider to be evaluated immediately.
The best way to prevent hepatitis A is by getting vaccinated.One dose of vaccine is 95% effective in preventing disease if given within two weeks of exposure to hepatitis A. It is also important to wash hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer after using the bathroom and before eating or preparing food. Public health is working closely with partners to identify cases of hepatitis A and provide vaccine for those most at risk of getting the disease, including individuals who use illicit drugs and/or are experiencing homelessness. Speak with your medical provider about receiving the hepatitis A vaccination.
For more information about hepatitis A and how to prevent it, please visit https://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/hav/afaq.htm. For more information about the vaccine, please call the Mohave County Department of Public Health-Nursing at the following numbers: Bullhead City, 928-758-0703; Kingman, 928-753-0714; and Lake Havasu City, 928-453-0703.