Dear Editor,
We need your help for the holidays!
Hunger is one of the greatest threats to our community. But you can help! Every dollar you donate provides help for your neighbors. Together, we can ease hunger in the Kingman Area. Please consider making a donation NOW!
You can help a family have a more joyous holiday
Donate $50 to provide a holiday dinner with a turkey and all the fixings for a Family in Need.
During the holiday season, we thank our sponsors, partners, and donors for loving and helping our local community.
Your donations big or small add up to run the Kingman Area Food Bank. Food goes primarily to our clients, who come once a month for a full shopping cart. Sometimes we get more perishables than we can give out to our clients, so we share with churches and charitable organizations, who do a great job distributing them.
We love unexpired canned foods that don’t need a can opener.
However, by law we can’t give out to our clients the home made, home raised and home grown products you bring to us, BUT our volunteers and community service workers looove them. THANK YOU on behalf of our team.
The produce that is not acceptable for human consumption is given to local farmers for their pigs, chickens, sheep, goats, turtles, deer, and worms. And even sometimes for mulching. Nothing goes to waste!
Of the almost 100 people per month who volunteer at the Kingman Area Food Bank, only 4 are paid positions, BUT we have electric, water, gas, propane, trash, website, insurance, taxes, pest control, truck maintenance and gas, food, and many more monthly bills to pay.
Kingman Area Food Bank
2930 E Butler Ave.