KINGMAN – The City of Kingman’s water is safe to drink and does not require boiling. The city professionals who are in charge of making sure our water is safe to drink, are constantly hard at work following all guidelines and federal standards. City staff works continuously to ensure that the water each of us drink from our taps is clean and safe by both federal guidelines and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
As new challenges to drinking water safety emerge, the city remains vigilant in meeting the goals of source water protection, water conservation, and community education while continuing to serve the needs of all our water users.
The American Water Works Association has issued statements along with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “There is no higher priority for EPA than protecting the health and safety of Americans. EPA is providing this important information about COVID-19 as it relates to drinking water and wastewater to provide clarity to the public. The COVID-19 virus has not been detected in drinking-water supplies. Based on current evidence, the risk to water supplies is low. Americans can continue to use and drink water from their tap as usual.
EPA has established regulations with treatment requirements for public water systems that prevent waterborne pathogens such as viruses from contaminating drinking water and wastewater. Coronavirus, which causes COVID-19, is a type of virus that is particularly susceptible to disinfection and standard treatment and disinfectant processes are expected to be effective.
For any questions, please contact Nancy Sipe, Water Quality Program Manager (928) 692-3136, or nsipe@cityofkingman.gov.