LAKE HAVASU CITY – Lake Havasu City would like to remind you that the 2020 U.S. Census deadline of September 30 is fast approaching.
Arizona continues to trail the rest of the country in overall response rate, and if the state fails to reach the 90% mark, the state would lose approximately $620 million per year. These losses would drastically impact rural Arizona’s ability to support future growth.
Federal funding to our state and city is directly affected by the Census numbers in this area. Less funding is provided if residents are not counted. This federal funding is used for so many things, like infrastructure, road repair, special education for students in need, grant programs for small businesses, food and housing for low income and elderly residents, just to name a few.
This year, it is easier than ever before to participate. You can do it in minutes online at www.2020census.gov or even call 844-330-2020 and answer the simple questions via telephone. It’s so easy!
If you have not completed your 2020 Census stop by City Hall on Friday, September 25 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and let a Census enumerator assist you in completing your form.
For more information, please contact Lake Havasu City at 928-453-4152.