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BLM approves Moss Mine expansion and exploration project

KINGMAN – The Bureau of Land Management, Kingman Field Office has issued a Decision Record and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) based on the analysis provided in the Phase III Moss Mine Expansion and Exploration Project Environmental Assessment (EA).

The Decision Record approves the proposed action, which is the mining plan of operation for the silver and gold mine, as submitted by the Golden Vertex Corp. with the incorporated environmental protection measures. Upon approval of the mining plan of operation, Moss Mine may begin the exploration and expansion project analyzed in the EA. The acreage of ground disturbance on BLM-managed land will be approximately 497 acres. The expansion project area is located approximately five miles east of Bullhead City in Mohave County.

“This approval of the Moss Mine expansion and exploration with the incorporated environmental protection measures demonstrates BLM’s commitment to facilitating responsible mineral development in Arizona,” said BLM Colorado River District Manager William Mack, Jr. “We also expect the economic boost from the mine expansion to benefit the people of Bullhead City and Mohave County.”

The expansion is expected to help sustain jobs at the mine and support the local economy; the majority of the 150 employees and contractors working at the mine reside locally in Mohave County. Mining also stimulates economic growth by providing the raw minerals needed in production of items we use every day.

The Decision Record, EA and FONSI are on BLM’s ePlanning website: In addition, hardcopies of these documents are available at the BLM Kingman Field Office and can be provided upon request.

For further information please contact the Kingman Field Office at 928-718-3700.

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